Ok, that has more than satisfied the daily suggested requirement of WTF.
Awesome ending. I spewed coffee out my nose. So thanks for that. Totally worth it by the way.
So is the need this is filling relating to current gaming conventions not being inclusive enough? From my experience, the current game convention offerings have been hugely open to folks of various gender identities.
I am not a pro-lease guy - who currently is driving a leased car.
Its both. I now buy all the stuff I would have bought as a paperback as an ebook. So most of the fiction stuff ends up being an ebook - unless I am hot to collect the author for some reason - which usually means I get the hardback anyway.
There is a HUGE dislike of Koreans among Japanese. While "not being on the best of terms right now" might jack things up .01%, it means diddly and squat to how the Japanese feel about the Koreans. Next time you find yourself in Tokyo, strike up a conversation about how the Japanese are descendants of ancient Koreans…
There will never be a shortage of well meaning people who are just certain that if you just do things their way, you will be better off. Of course, it is also those same folks who tend to make more people miserable than happy.
Would they still own the Gabriel Knight franchise? I actually enjoyed those a bunch.
The list of things I can do ten times fast has gotten very short. This ain't on it.
Ok. Let me just vent here for a second. I can recall watching Mr. Burton in Roots way back in 1977 when I was a little guy. Since then, I have grown older, fatter and my hair has gone gray - at least in part. Mr. Burton - LOOKS THE FREAKING SAME!! What kind of strange mojo does this man have at his fingertips? Did the…
Hi olympics recitation was equally craptastic.
But seriously, have we all not met "That Person" that measures everyone else entirely by what they think is "Right" and then sets out to "Fix" you? In my case, I met most of them in college and most of them were psych majors. Just saying.
Of course, it is always possible that you are the problem in this scenario
Sounds like you are not the kind of person they are looking for. I work in an environment where work provides snacks, drinks and even caters lunch. So what is the biggest and most annoying thing about working here? Co-workers who leave their crap everywhere, seem to see the bathroom as the place where the goal is to…
Ok, so first, that is not what the man said. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with Beck on video games. I figure crazy always finds a way and for some, their vehicle of crazy is video games. If it was not that, it would have been something else.
And I still have the disks.
If there is a magic bullet to being a landlord, it is in qualifying your tenants. Sadly, it is also the area where landlords spend too little time. Do full background checks and manually go through their rental application and call on all their references and previous landlords. For each call made, try to get the…
I was once a huge fan of Adam and the Mythbusters. Not so much since their Xfinity/Comcast commercial. I hope they got a high price for their souls. http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7T7Q/xfinit…