
Ugh, I cringed when I saw Lena Dunham’s review, even though I enjoyed The Interestings, Meg Wolitzer’s kinda soapy book about the lives of bougie arty summer camp attendees. This one sounds a whole lot less self aware. To be fair I hate when ANY book is lauded as the next Great American Novel, because it almost never

I taught this book last semester, and it blew my (college) students away. It’s so heavy and powerful and it’s a page-turner. Doesn’t get much better.

“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” -Joseph Goebbels


And! Paul Joseph Watson, that British con with the multiple headshots that somehow look like different people, retweeted the Deadspin video without attribution:

“poison gas cloud coming to a neighborhood near you! find out which one! tonight at 11!”

My local tv station, which I just watch randomly walking into a room and they were reporting on a robbery and needing help catching the person, but they described everything they were wearing and height but didn’t describe the “type of person” they needed help looking for, but a report later with some other issue

........... “I saw the banner, saw Seth Rogen, and ignored it.” Now THAT is comedy Gold!

SAME. First saw the banner days ago too so it never entered into my mind it wasn’t real. I figured it was a deal like Adam Sandler’s for a bunch of mediocre-but-will-make-money-if-we-don’t-have-to-distribute movies.

Same. I saw the banner, saw Seth Rogan, and ignored it. I assumed it was a comedy special.

Because it’s a slap in the face to all of the women that for whatever reason, can’t get pregnant.

If Jello Biafra could do it, I don’t see why this couldn’t eventuate.

But the sex scenes will still be awkward and terrible.

Stephen King is running for Governor of Maine

i also mean like LITERALLY combine. i don’t have enough dopamine or enough holes! !!

i feel like i’d get stressed — one time i was high at a giant crawfish boil in new orleans and i got so scared of all the eating work that i just ate ears of corn

Okay, I’ll give that all ten would probably be too much. But you could definitely combine a few of the top ten together for an even better time. Like, combining the bottom three would get you to maybe #4.

I mean, shouldn’t the answer obviously be yes?

Think about the 10 most fun times you’ve had sex in your life—would you want to experience all these times again simultaneously?