
“I see both sides of the vaccine situation... “

There is no “both sides” of a debate here. There’s the science and then there’s ignorant people with an oversized microphone making a lot of noise about something they don’t understand and refuse to learn about.

Required, yes... actually follows through? Not so much. 

Fans think Nintendo should shop around elsewhere for a Zelda movie studio

Yeah, the owners should be taken to task but until that happens, tip. Failing to do so does not help them.

They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes.”’s a business. Volvo continuing to exist is a thing I would like more than it being overtly esoteric. Let us never forget SAAB.

One thing about stand your ground laws is that you actually have to be at risk - a closed door means you’re not at risk.  The need for self-defense doesn’t exist if you can remove yourself safely from the situation. #lockherup

I can’t be the only one who reads this:

Some brain dead PR drone with no sense of self awareness is probably trying to “reclaim” the acronym, without relalizing how tone deaf they are coming across. In fact they probably did it with a little bit of spite.

Well, horrible people tend to like each other. If your friend is just as shitty as you are, you don’t feel as shitty.

This is a trick question, because there’s no way in hell that I’m working for that guy.

Ugh, this guys has a trans daughter. He’s literally directing his audience to hate his daughter.

What a surprise, Grimes, starts dating a trans woman and he lashes out like a bigoted child.

Holocaust denialism isn’t illegal (in the U.S.) either, but that doesn’t excuse a Social Media site that allows it. So go fuck yourself Elon Musk, and may Twitter be reduced to the largely irrelevant smoldering pile of White Nationalist hate you seem to want it to be. $44 billion up in smoke.

I’m a broken record on this, but Musk’s far right rantings will eventually crash his business model. The far right is not the target demographic for EV buyers. Especially now that the floodgates of newer, more exciting, and better choices have opened.

hahaha, no. They’re time limited to make you feel like you won’t get it if you don’t buy it now. None of these sets will be able to be found in game.

What if you have a great, active sex life...just no partners?

Found the drone trying to convince us everything is alright, and this story couldn’t possibly be true.

I feel like people who insist their kids learn to drive stick are kinda like folks who want to homeschool their kids so they only learn what they want them to learn. Teach them to drive stick after they’ve mastered driving a 3500 pound vehicle through traffic- like when they turn 18. Right now, a manual transmission