100% agree. The only thing that really holds up is Magnum. Everything else is either poorly acted, poorly produced, problematic in today’s society, or stretches credibility.
100% agree. The only thing that really holds up is Magnum. Everything else is either poorly acted, poorly produced, problematic in today’s society, or stretches credibility.
Thomas’s disdain for laws that regulate his own behavior is somehow still shocking. Now let’s wait for a wave of whataboutism from Republican reps and silence from the SCOTUS justices in 3, 2, 1....
I live directly underneath the approach of the second largest airport in The Netherlands and I can attest that it doesn’t really make a difference. They sound different (I always look up when I recognize a smaller aircraft’s sound) but not particularly louder or more present.
About Schiphol, they have been trying to…
“That’s nice Ann, but, see sweetie: You’re a woman. And that means you’re a second class citizen in the conservative world. So, if we want to hear your opinion, we’ll come into the kitchen and ask for it. Okay sweetie? Okay.”
Agreed. Same reaction (on a somewhat different scale) I had to someone buying a nearly-complete T-rex skeleton last year for $30 million. Given other things people have spent that kind of money on, that makes a lot of sense to me.
Yeah... I actually have no real issue with the price tag on this thing. This was clearly a labor of love created by someone with genuine skill and attention to detail.
The article hints at some kind of animosity - despite the actor saying the exact opposite - and also even states that this isn’t actual news, and was already known, publicly available information.
Wait, isn’t this how diversity initiatives are SUPPOSED to work? He was given an opportunity that he might have been otherwise passed over for, and it opened doors for him to become immensely successful. Is Jezebel against diversity initiatives now?
we are good at planning, not good at getting enough funds together to pay for what we need
This idea that the left knows there’s only one right way to live, it’s the way that we want to live and we’re going to force it on you.
It’s really disheartening for someone to have their own story taken from them, by their own parent no less, and they are only 16.
The electoral process has always been flawed. That doesn’t negate the importance of voting in every election for the most qualified candidates you can find.
That’s what I thinking, too. Wiping out her prospects for re-election in a heavily-blue district? I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets a lucrative no-show “consulting” job for some conservative think tank after she retires.
LOL follow the money, who paid her :-)
Sounds like he runs a limo company, so presumably he’ll add these cars to his fleet, making the transaction tax favorable and creating additional revenue streams for this company. In a vacuum I agree with you, but in this case it might make sense for him.
I would have bought real estate instead of a depreciating asset, but ok!
As a practical matter, cops are allowed, even expected, to lie on the stand, because the consequences are almost always nil. At worst, if a particular cop has a record of established lying, prosecutors will just avoid using his testimony in the future. Actual prosecutions for perjury – even when the evidence is…
Cops lie. It should always be assumed that any cop is lying, regardless of the circumstances. Whether something as innocent as a bungled fast food order, or something as serious as murder. They are allowed to lie, so they do, whenever it benefits them, with impunity.
I hope she gets life changing money from this. And I hope that money comes from the police union’s coffers.
If I lied to a grand jury it would ruin my life (which is why I wouldn’t even consider doing it.) For cops, it is just another tuesday.