
I still find google chat hangouts whatever it’s called now the most usable, but that’s almost certainly cause it’s what I’ve been using since AIM died. I use discord primarily for voice chat.

GVW can easily be paired to registration - make and model is already there, and sure, some people might get away with a little extra weight cause they have a moonroof, but it will be pretty close within a model and drivetrain.

All the reasonable states have inspections. It would be trivial to add checking the mileage. 

Fully agree, but there’s way too many idiots in this country who think the government tracking anything is BIG BROTHER COMING TO TAKE MUH FREEDOMZ! for this to ever work. 

Please tell me those messages are a bit and people aren’t actually dumb enough to think that “disclaimer” shit does anything. 

Milka is available at most grocery stores here in the Northeast, and if you like milk chocolate that’s on the sweeter side, I highly recommend it. 

Yeah South Park has massive “people think we’re funny so we must also be smarter than everyone else” vibes.

Which is why a good system for linking your phone to your car is important, so you can leave the phone down. 

I just don’t understand why Google would ever make a system better than Android Auto for a single automaker. What’s the incentive? And even more importantly, why would they want to make it work well with iOS devices? They will just be cannibalizing their already existing system.

Why can’t female Link just be “Link?” It’s not like it’s a super gendered name. 

This is insanity. Instead of reducing the fine for driving a truck without a CDL, how about you massively punish companies who contract with any unlicensed driver? The only reason this is an issue is because companies are cutting costs hiring unlicensed trucks (or intentionally not checking), so if it becomes far more

But without the going outside and having to physically go places as a hook, it’s just a shit game. 

I realize the manufacturers can’t do anything do stop it, but still, fuck this shit.

If only you had to pay taxes at the same time every year and so could prepare in advance....

You already are paying an asset tax if you own a home btw.

I never said they had it in cash. The point is it’s extremely easy for them to turn large portions of their fortune liquid so it would also be trivially easy to tax it. 

It’s always good to remind people that the best time for a wealth tax was 30 years ago, the second best time is today. 

Wow since we’re constantly told all these billionares don’t actually have billions of dollars, it’s really surprising that they seem to keep being able to buy shit that costs hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Which I do not understand. What did anyone expect from a freaking Mario movie? A deep dive into the Mario lore? The games have puddle-thin stories. It was only ever gonna be a kid movie. 

Why are so many of them exactly 1,312 feet long? Is it just that that’s (almost) exactly 400m?