
Is his middle name really Dion? How am I just learning this...

First, obligatory JKR is a bigot and by playing this game you’re (the general you, not the author here) basically saying you care more about playing a video game than anto-trans bigotry.

Whether vaccines work is not a political question. 

In fact they would have been lining up to hand out the blankets and give the shots. Their entire world view boils down to wanting to hurt brown people. 

Another actor whose work I enjoyed gets added to the idiot pile.

Why do you care so much? Like, if someone made a list of the top 10 movies and I didn’t agree, I wouldn’t yell at them about it. 

All I want from...From is a goddamn log book. I don’t want quest markers, I don’t want map indicators, I JUST want to a way to look at the last thing an NPC said to me. That’s it. 

Note I said “average southerner” not “every southerner.” If you don’t vote for bigoted, climate-change denying politicians, great, I don’t mean you. But the average southerner supports those things. 

It’s not a weird general statement to say that southern states elect right-wing assholes. It’s a statement of fact. 

Is that really happening at scale though? I have to imagine thrift stores are still chock full of the clothes that won’t sell for a 4x markup on some vintage clothing site. 

Considering who they elect to run their states, I consider a badge of honor to be disliked by the average southerner. 

“Rather than pay these fees directly to some department, new residents would pay the fee through their property tax, then take the receipt showing that the tax was paid to their local DMV for their license and registration.”

I don’t know enough about corsets to say one way or the other, I’ll defer to women on that since they are the ones who actually have to wear the things.

I definitely enjoyed it. I’ve only played each one once, so it’s been a very long time since Evil Within 1 as I played it close to release, but I remember enjoying 1 overall more, but 2 feeling much less padded and dawn out. There were definitely times in EW1 where I was just begging the game to get on with it. 

I dunno, R* pretty clearly abandoned it with GTAV online, (and tried to do it with RDR2 but it turned out people weren’t interested). 

Yes, we need to think of the real victims here - the family who has to deal with this chud. Forcing them to spend more hours per day with him is tantamount to a war crime. 

Yup. People will be far less interested in a quirky, not super practical car if they absolutely have to use it to get to work every day. 

Guarantee he spouts off about the “rise and grind” or “hustle” lifestyle while failing to mention mommy and daddy give him 100 grand a month or some shit. 

Thank you! I was unreasonably bothered by the fact that the part randomly in quotes with no attribution is missing punctuation between Life and the rest. It needs to be “Life! What a beautiful choice!” (also why is it in title case complete with an erroneously capitalized A while the rest is in all caps?).

I was literally answering the question of the person I was responding to, which was “would a non HP fan like this game.”