As Long as There is Beer I'm There.

I had the crap bullied out of me among some other stuff. Sadly, the Bus wasn’t an ok experience til Highschool.

Well, the other non-me replies kinda snarked in the other direction, but I super understand the site has changed and I’ve seen a lot of the staff I used to love reading move onto other writing gigs. The Guy who used to write for FoxTrot Alpha? Forgot his name right now, but I’d read anything he wrote even if it was

Could you elaborate a little more?


Thanks for the write-up! I’m in my early 30s, my spouse and I own 1 vehicle (Rav-4 Hybrid - CPO because we that way) and we’re looking to relocate to another state in the next 12 months. Anyway, a used 3/y, a mini cooper-e, and a handful of other random fun little electric cars are on our radar as a second

living the dream my man.

I just googled “2013 f-150 weight” to check a random year/weight combo and it tells me the curb weight is between 4,685 to 6,113 lbs. Looks like the 2021 configurations go from 4,031-5,014 lbs.

I mean, aside from us both being right sorta, Ford should be real proud. They really managed to cut a lot of weight out of

One thing I found striking was the Car/Wheel Ratio difference from the aztec to the Hyundai. I know they are different scales of vehicle, but proportionally the aztez wheel set looks comically small.

I know its a trend, and I’ve read WHY its happening, just one of those things that jumped out to me this AM.

Yea, one of my parents is a realtor, and they buy the largest SUV they can “Because of the deductions” and then they also say “Well I want the biggest so in a wreck I can win”.

I agree with above, I also agree with a lot of the comments.

It’s a really tricky situation, but I do think we should be holding trucks to a higher standard for a lot of the reasons above. If people wanna Drive 3-ton over polluting vehicles empty all the time, make them feel it in their wallets.

Honestly, I can’t wait

DT is probably the only known person to have immunity to Tetanus.

I’ve told my wife for a long time that all my dream cars are weird to non-car people, and an old RR with a few upgrades so I’m not sourcing 40 year old british parts constantly would be ideal.

I swear, when I watch “The Queen” and seem them roll up with their convoy, I get super jealous of royalty.

My dream situation is

I at first started to think this was a poor choice for a lot of the reasons people have mentioned (robbery, weird, etc.), but I do think it’s important to note that Artists, no matter how much we like/dislike their genre or even know who they are, push things all the time. I don’t necessarily want to live in a future

What I like about this? Is that although you may THINK it only appeals to 0.1%, and it very well could if written differently, but I think your writing style and enthusiasm opens it up to so much more than that... easily... 0.3%.

I kid. I love your work, and knowing niche things makes me very happy.

I have a minor obsession with Mobility vehicles/options now, Thanks Tom!

10/10 will always read about mobility options, even if its a Torch style non-sense car that hasn’t existed in 40 years, especially not here.

Came here to read the jabs, stayed for the solid Tracy Replies.

Good on your for recognizing the end of something and the start of something new! Can’t wait to see whats next. I’ve loved the whole “What will kill me first, tetanus, my neighbors, or my stories” thing, but a new beat will feel really good.

Also please


I made the SUPER uncomfortable call to my parents to tell them I won’t be attending out family gathering of 14-20 family members, 4 of which are immuno-compromised, and at least 3 of which are in the age category of concern. My mother immediately sounded calm-mad-dissapointed, and then asked if I was attending my


What a Heckin’ Life.

You are a true jalopy my friend.

This is good Jalopnik.

Hell, buy both. If this pandemic has taught me anything it’s don’t postpone joy.


You Out there doing the Lord’s work my friend.

I had a crown vic (former police car) and people always always asked “YOU GOT THAT COP MOTOR!?!” and asked me about it all the time. It was fun for a little bit just to talk about cars to people.

Honestly, Love that color btw. I wanted a G8, but All I had was a