As Long as There is Beer I'm There.

Debt is a burden to the poor and a tool for the rich.

Yes, having a paid off car is great, truthfully I want a 500k miles Landcruiser one day, but in the meantime I want something that saves my life in a wreck so I can go get that landscruiser.

Newer cars are safer, and doing things within my financial means to ensure

Do you remember the song from “Reptar on ice?”

Reptar reptar gotta find that reptar...

Shits been stuck in my head for 20+ years now.... GD 25+? .... damn.
your 30s hit HARD.

So Tom, I want you to know I only recently felt adult enough to have a car payment near $400.

Its my wife and I’s only car and we both make decent money together, and I STILL struggled to get past the idea of having a car payment over $300....

But damnit does it feel good to finally feel like an adult with a reliable

my god.

As a 30+ year old man I reference reptar atleast 12 times a year.

Today I may top my PB in one sitting telling this joke over and over.

This is the dealer equivalent of “I KNOW WHAT IVE GOT!”

Like a steering wheel in your pants?**

Yea, I tried really hard to argue with a family member that the NRA is basically a business and marketing team for guns. They were FIRMLY Planted, then i realized oh man... they stil think of the NRA as the organization that was originally formed, not the barrel stroking psychopaths begging for cash to fund their

fairly underrated level of hilarity.


I see no problem, as I will take note and open up a shop that caters to both.

I’ll call it “Longhorns”

she’ll have the driver order 5, one for each tire on the car to prevent it from rolling down the estate’s driveway.

The driver says why 5?

Kristen will say, “I don’t care how wheels work, but I do know we have 5 equipped. No point in not counting the spare, No expenses spared Driver!”

Yea, I’m somewhere between a Large Tall and an Extra Large Slim.

Tell that to any store and they immediately show you the 1 shirt in stock they have for you.

I also wear a size 13, and while its not an ISSUE, I will say once you past 12/12.5? All of a sudden your choices evaporate by 50-95%.

Woah Texas doesn’t suck anymore than the rest of our country except Florida and every fly over state. IF it weren’t for them we’d never have any funny news.

Damn this thread blew up eh?

I feel like here is what matters on a shirt. Do you like it? Does it last? Did you get a good deal?

I bought some shirts from ‘Express’ a long time ago and retired them maybe 2 years ago. Those shirts lasted me for nearly 10 years and I bought them on a mega clearance sale. felt REAL good

lol, stream of conscious commenting

Dude... I found that out last year. Went to a Banana Republic outlet thinking “I’ll find a decent shirt cheap!” ... then the things didn’t add up. My ‘cut’ wasn’t there, and when I asked why they spilled the beans and I was like... WTF WHY AM I HERE ? TO SAVE $5?

Its kinda one of those things a lot of folks learn the hard way.

I bought some ‘decent’ shirts once, went to get them tailored, and they were like “I mean... we COULD... but these are garbage shirts. Go buy used high end and come back and we’ll show you what we mean”

I Did. I Saw. I buy nicer shirts less often now.

Co-worker was a Best Buy guy, when I told him my TJ MAxx story, he said THE EXACT SAME THING.

It’s pretty mindblowing how focused on a ‘deal’ people are.

But to be fair, I buy a lot of stuff used and on craigslist so I’m looking for a deal also!


Jk, Fiance at the time IF i remember things correctly :p... i guess that still doesn’t mean not-sister...

The Yorkies sound like they’ve got attention to detail.

Yea, I def. have my eyes a little more open now, but I try really hard not to shit all over people’s stuff/deals... like the OP, i really didn’t mean for this to be about his shirt, more just like, the crazy stuff I’ve learned about TJ Maxx in general.