As Long as There is Beer I'm There.

So I see people talking about “Where would you store these accessories?” and I’m like... Does it matter? All but the camper shell/Pop-up Shell look fairly small and flat so a little clear space on a garage wall would be ideal. Anyone storing a camper can make some floor space for the 2% of the time it’s not on the

Wagon under 5k with some reliability chops? Ok. Little old for me, but still, trending NP.

I’m shopping in a slightly higher bracker for a TSX Wagon tho... same thing right?

Touche’, it doesn’t stir a whole lot in me, but it bumps the needle past Meh for me.

Drift guys’ always doing this kinda stuff anyway.

To be fair, did you watch the cool video on here about WHY the 2JZ is so bulletproof? Twas pretty cool. I spend some time around people who talk about them all the time now I guess I

So we all knew it was gonna happen, but It’s still cool we’re seeing the first one right? I mean, people can be all bummed by the Supra, but I for one am happy it exists at all and that fun (but predictable) things are happening to it now that it’s live.

Same! If we got the wagon? Would’ve literally been at the dealership already.

Wife and I are upgrading to something this year. Would take respecta-wagon.

So our family runs a mobile home park, and I grew up watching TONS (literally) of different rigs pull into the park for 18 years. What I learned early on is big toys are effing cool, effing expensive, and usually have a little bit of a reason WHY. The Service life of this chassis and it’s components are typically (and

Rob is always teaching me something about a used car I didn't know.

Came here to make sure everyone felt the same way.


Awesome and AWESOME. Reading now.

So what your saying is, I throw these guys into boiling water and they die and turn all red? Thats so metal.

Meh, I’ll probably not buy the first year so they can work out the bugs”

I LOVE metalocalypse.


Meh, we take our GoPro and shoot in Raw when we travel. We recently also got a good APS-C camera.... like totally different uses of course, but GoPro output in Raw plus some good lightroom work can get you some travel photos you wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Honestly, the best camera is one you have with you right? =)



I guess we know how long a bowel movement takes at extreme speed.

yea, unfortunately? If it sells, it sells well.

Trust me, I’m trying to buy a used toyota.

right? I’m tired of them being like “We’ve made it 12" taller, but same platform, engine, interior... different name and a few more inches of metal.... That oughta come out to.... 25% more. thank you.”


It so cool you get to just like... write to Volvo and ask them stuff.

Seriously, Auto-Journalism has some super cool stuff where its like

“Hey Volvo, new speed limit, who dis?”

OMG its you! Hey great car, great story, great fun.

THIS is the happiest side of car culture and it’s what I show up for all the time. I try my best to remind everyone around me that loves cars that ALL car culture is valid and interesting, even if it’s not THEIR style. Bro-Dozer crowds should love low-riders.