As Long as There is Beer I'm There.

Honestly, Outside of Bearer Bonds that’s the only thing I operate in after losing my shirt of used Pontiac parts and Bitcoin.

Thank you, I’ve read the document and approve of our established defense.

Bradley, I’m sending the documentation to your attorney as well as a good-faith exercise. I’m studying up prior established cases such as

“Kinja vs Johnson”

“$Skaycog vs The Beautiful Women standing in the way of GT40's”

and probably most pertinent


I literally love everything you do.

I Want to watch you DIY the whole world sometimes.


Cars in coffee is so cool sometimes. Car people, sometimes even the douchey ones, are my favorite kind of people.

It’s like they just love THINGS.

Touche’ Tony.

When I sold my truck I had every record and receipt, chronologically in a binder with a table of hand written contents. I was a nerd.

Yea, I think maybe the biggest problem is image. If you cater to a lower socio-economic group based on bang-for-the-buck purchasing (even if the long term durability is lower) you still end up seeing a lot your product in areas that are perceived as poor. Outside of the Prestige trims in the Ram Range, I guess I end

So when I got my first big-boy job I was like ‘Eff this I’m buying a truck because MURRICA’ and I started shopping. What I learned in the used market of about 15-18k trucks? That you can get WAY more truck at Dodge than you could at Toyota, Nissan, GM or Ferd. I bought mine at 40k, single owner, reasonable features,


Thats a pretty on-the-nose observation

EASILY cotd.

If I remember anything from EMT Training, it’s like 20' or 3 times the person’s height before they are just instantly triaged/taken to a trauma center.

Like, It was at that moment I realized 20' is a long way, and apparently EMS thinks so also. makes me rethink things i did as a kid for sure.

Fantastic shot.

Yea I actually did the same thing for a bit.

it says up there 144 payments (12 years * 12 Months)

Yea, good point, but I do think it’s crazy to even consider 144 months... like just yesterday my buddy and I were ragging on Chrysler for selling cars on 7 year terms that would jokingly not even make it 7 years.

I feel it obviously made sense to somebody, but dang, 144 payments. GD.

Dude I used to think the same thing, turns out I was in the minority.

People are SO so bad understanding what a loan REALLY Looks like. I’m sure about 1/2 of my friends were just like “Yulp fine its under my monthly cost lets do this its the one I want and it’s got the blueteeth”

I also have 2 people i know that have

Would buy/eat.

eff i’m hungry.

because ricky ticki tavi can’t multitask. It’s the only way to get him.


Been a bass player for well over 16+ Years (Many of which were classically trained), and Even I sometimes forget about the Octabass.

What weird ass part of PATRICK GEORGE’s life has led him to reference such an obscure instrument confidently?
Internet serach for largest mobile instrument?

Can confirm, this is the most stated myth fact/question that gets muttered about probably all police vehicles.

-Former Crown Vic retired police car owner.

All offense implied, a major corporation that may be responsible for 89 deaths needs to fuck off. Thats nearly 1 preventable death, lots of injuries, and tons of damage EVERY QUARTER.

I know companies fuck up, but the moment you decide to wait for the litigation bill vs the upfront fixing it bill, you’ve descended