I'm for it as long as it's pronounced LA-TINKS
I'm for it as long as it's pronounced LA-TINKS
Hey, being funny is worth 1000 beauty points. At least.
I trust your verdict, Senor Franko!!
Didn't see it!!
So we watched all of "Mad Dogs" on Amazon this weekend and I see it got totally dismissed here except for a swipe at the pilot. It is not bad and it's not what it seems. The summary of "men of a certain age go to Belize" makes is sound like an old-man Hangover and it is not that. It's the only time I've been able to…
It's fun if you don't get your hopes too high. Some of the dialogue gets very loopy and overwrought. I think if they'd had the budget to keep the action in the forefront it would be better overall, but yeah, it's good: B-/C+ depending.
"The third man in the ring makes boxing possible."
- Joyce Carol Oates (June 16, 1938 - )
Yup. The internet deification is weird and wonderful. It's like a 26-year- old having a crush on Bob Ross.
Can anyone explain to me what's wrong with Shia LaBoeuf? Please use small words, if so. Thanks!!
My daughter was just telling me about watching an interview in which Mads said he thought the way Americans call him Mads pronouncing it MADS is funny. It should be pronounced more like MESS, but I'll never do it.
Me too!! I remember when Roger was just the softer side of thumbs. Or something.
All you gotta do is buy yourself a big box of your favorite candy, a feather boa, and some beginner booze, put on that Alanis CD and dance, baby!!
I loved "Don't Trust the B…"
Avatar is suitably glum, chum…
Drunk narrating "Jurassic World" was a pretty good time.
Yah. I felt like it was misleading and I felt sick watching the dog go underwater but those are just feelings: I got no facts!!
How yerdad and I didn't get through episode 1 of "The Young Pope"…
Frontline is doing good work. If you only watch one thing about this mess, that's the one thing to watch!!
I've crossed over to almost enjoying having my incredulity broken permanently.