
We watch it. I call it "Murder He Rode"

Just piping in to say HEY KIDS, YOU SHOULD VOTE!!

Oh, yeah. I'm old!! I remember watching this to solidify not watching stuff with dolls when I was a teen. I seem to recall that it ran Anthony Hopkins off the screen for decades!!

Nope. Nope. Nope. No dolls. No mannequins!!

Yeah, but Elijah Radcliffe is a FANTASTIC name, baby!!

Thanks for putting failed marriage in there with cannibalism!!

Who so loves banjo believes the impossible.

So it will haunt yer dreams!!

This is essentially my novel!!

Is it worse than the Banshee bump? (really more of a rumple).

Great review, Zach!! I think there's one more word you need in there: "(it sounds like the plot of every high school ever made)"

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I'm puzzled by this too!!

I'll never get yerdad to watch it again. The first episode made him CRAZY.

War of the Roses, too!!

I liked this a LOT more on re-watch a few years ago. Nicholas Cage is annoying, but I felt that he was supposed to be. Just thinking about the grandparents makes me woobly.

Starring Dwight Yoakam!!

You could just sit on them.

FTR: you pronounce Bowie like HOOWEE.

I'm glad she won. Go Bowie gal!!