It's a bit uneven but the performances are fantastic. It's what happens when bullies grow up and never leave school.
It's a bit uneven but the performances are fantastic. It's what happens when bullies grow up and never leave school.
I really loved the Diane bit.
"I'm the trophy boyfriend" — Michael Sheen (February 5, 1969 - )
Nono. Just the office lady person. It was a dark time…
I was working in a sort of hell hole sweat shop in Georgia and spent the morning trying to translate what was happening in my terrible Spanish for the Mexicans. The Mexicans were pretty worried. I'm not sure I was doing it right.
I know you're right. I get caught up in it because much of the family watches and I HATE watching it right before bed. The Zombie dreams are just gross.
I saw it on the schedule last night and got excited thinking I overlooked a little gem maybe, but no.. it's not that.
Well, I'm kinda back… We upgraded our Verizon doo-dads and have lost all our DVR. What did I have on there? I relied on it to tell me "What Was On Last Night" so that I didn't have to think about what I wanted to watch. It was my IV of pre-approved programming and it's been rippped awaaaaay…
I vaguely remember that Leviathan was terrible and the VHS cover for Raising Cain made me want to not rent it, but that's all I have to show for the 80s.
[motions on the nose]
Better than Vegan.
If you're like me, you'll pop in once in a while to see stuff like this and wonder if you should pop in more often to see who else isn't here… Anyhoo, happy trails!!
Yeah. It's just a matter of white women preferring to blonde it up when they are going gray. Duh.
I know it's wrong and bad, but I loved the perpetual tears…
It looked to me like it was going to be "American Horror Story: Farm house"
The racism is awful by today's standards, but it was very tame for 1939.
Watching Steven Universe every evening with my kids makes me very happy.
If you haven't, try it!!
Seems like a logical progression…
I really had my hopes up for Monikka as a mom who drinks with daughters.
It was the Foodle Way and we always learn something from our Foodling…