Candy, not a Throner. :)
He looks surprised to see all those abs. "Are these mine?"
Oh ARGH. Nobody tell Dad about the Rocky marathon…
Dean Norris tweeted that he's going to Disneyland. What a lovable scamp!!
I used to work with a girl who was planning to meet some guy to hunt ghosts at a very secluded abandoned school. I pointed out that there was a real live threat in that scenario, so she took a friend along. The guy didn't have all his ghost gear and the batteries in his "detectors" were dead. The friend confided to me…
They are just one guy, right?
True. We can play with things we hate!!
#hashtags matter?
Ha!! Sorry: Ask Me Anything.
I'm not looking forward to anything more than Jeopardy this season, which feels weird.
Good morning y'all!! I started an AMA on disqus yesterday that became a drunken AMA by the end of my evening.
I domed.
Don't forget the slime!!
PSA to oldest-first-sorters: if you skim ahead the instant you see Hannibal mentions, you will get through these comments unspoilt.
(we STILL haven't caught up here).
Congratulations The_MTA!! I'm sure that in some way this is like golf!!
Love it so hard. I used the Ingrid Bergman Fan Club address for my instructions on how to mail things.
Maybe this gag reel will cheer us up: https://youtu.be/oPZU-HGhy5I
*you notice a distaff of disdain nearby*