They won me over the minute they had Billy Burke looking at a tree full of house cats and declaring, "Something is happening here."
They won me over the minute they had Billy Burke looking at a tree full of house cats and declaring, "Something is happening here."
"Louie Louie" works for everything.
It's an improvement on having every female character be a form of sex toy, anyhoo.
I'd say it's worth watching. Even people I know who don't watch many shows are watching it, so it's nice to know what the fuss is about.
Thanks Franko!! It looks like I'm winning with -5. I am winning, right?
Just pretend that I'm winning. Thanks!!
That shower head isn't going to fix itself, mister!!
My vet has a parrot that does ONLY annoying noises like creaking doors and retching noises. Fuck that bird.
I'm glad his pencil-thin eyebrows are over, tho.
Impossible to say, as I was also pretty drunk. Again!!
I didn't want to watch the dickfest, so I put on "Zoo" for the first time instead. It is hilarious!!
Happy Birthday, Daisy Duke!!
My favorite thing on twitter lately:
Ever since I heard that Huck had been a preacher his vibe made perfect sense.
I hope you're right, AJ!!
So today's answer is going up at noon EST. If you were wondering why you shouldn't be worried about the Lizard Man, you might want to read it.
I had some weird stuff with AVC yesterday, but Disqus seemed fine everwhere else. All I remember was that all the newswires disappeared back to 2 a.m. and I wondered if someone was using the time control…
I liked it even though it was over-overwrought. Definitely NOT the best thing evar!!
Because someone wanted to make a rectangle that wasn't six other states. Silly map people!!
What @phodreaw:disqus said. There are a few of us morning people too!!
May the 'tube rise up to meet you!!