So, this one time I posted a link to my site the bots deleted the post because apparently I look exactly like a spammer. So I'll just mention it without using any special characters.
So, this one time I posted a link to my site the bots deleted the post because apparently I look exactly like a spammer. So I'll just mention it without using any special characters.
Watching "Wayward Pines" I keep thinking that they picked a terrible location for the future. Idaho will have blown up by then!!
PSA to anyone else who sorts by "oldest first" — just skip the rest of this thread.
I JIF it as well, but only to be difficult.
Sorry, Waffles!! It's no consolation, I bet, but it used to be a lot worse so I'm expecting it to keep getting better.
It doesssssssss….
They basically turned you into a sleepy drunk. They were not sexy or amnesia-producing. You are not missing anything.
My thoughts exactly. [Get outta my head!!]
Thank you Jesus!! That's the sort of pointer that keeps me coming back.
Don't miss a bikini pic opportunity with that headline, sir!!
She is, though. I just wish she still had to turn the letters. It added so much suspense that she might screw up.
Reminds me of that Barney Miller episode wherein the female girl detective is pissed that the predatory dentist did not feel her up and only fixed her teeth…
I like Rush, but I have zero patience for cover-band Rush. That bromance movie with all the hobbyist Rush was agony!!
A little Asian looks good on everyone.
Oh. Also, I blogged. The kids LOLed.
It will record at a different time. It has nothing better to do!!
"Was it deliberate?" Wow. Somehow I'm sure he would never ask a woman that…
Not just easy—she had a love-baby with Rossellini when they were both married to other people and she wasn't apologizing to anyone. So Swedish!!