
It’s a bit better now w/ 16/9 screens, but yeah you need the full view.

The glowing halo effect was fine (though a bit ugly) the comet tail is where the shark got jumped.

Thin skinned nazis have it SO ROUGH you guise.

Day -2 since apparently Donnie don’t work weekends.

I wish I was surprised at how many nazi sympathizers I’ve seen in the comments. 

At least.

“White house press secretary sean spicer lied....”

Make racists afraid again.

So. Fucking. Cathartic.

If only we could experience tranquility.

So literally nothing surprising here. If it doesn’t benefit rich white guys it’s got to go.

Literally what legitimacy does he have?

Can’t be worse than the last one.

Man someone get this special snowflake a safe space.

The biggest story on the Today show is the Today show.

Literally the only thing.

Well I can only hope their ideological purity helps them sleep at night while the rest of the nation burns around them.

Look on the bright side, nationwide voter ID laws are probably next so goodbye hope, hello gilead.

Continued lack of Romancing SaGa 2 is inexcusable.

Yeah went with my instincts while passing on that one.