
Well now you have your homework assignment.

I still say “Well, look who thinks he’s a Clever Dan.” Every day. And every time I listen to the radio, I think of SB’s tips on DJ success, including, make sure your face looks nothing like your voice.

Homestar Runner introduced me to the potential of the internet. Up until that point I thought it was nice for referencing stuff and reading news. Then HR came along and it’s like, “Holy shit, people can be snarky on the Internet?”

“...see if it’s not being manipulated by storefront to be the first page that comes u...”

You seem to be misunderstanding the role of Google. It’s not a genie in a bottle, a dispenser of factually correct answers to anything and everything. It pulls its information off the web itself, guided by peoples’ clicks, and thus is a reflection of said web and peoples’ useage patterns thereof.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

No, Google runs an unbiased information delivery machine.

I don’t think it’s asking too much to maybe just have a few real results that at least point out that, yes, the Holocaust fucking happened.

Accuracy is related to the target. “Is chocolate safe for dogs?”

“Are you suggesting that it would be ok for Google to show a flat earther website as the #1 hit for ‘is the earth round?’”

1. Relevance, like “truth,” is a matter of opinion. While I agree with your assessment that it should not outweigh the facts, it is not Google’s responsibility to censor results to our liking.

But Google was never designed to provide “correct” answers to questions. What it does is provide you links to pages which are related to the query you typed in. As in much research, it’s up to the individual asking the question to do their due diligence in determining what the “truth” really is. There may be AI’s or

Thing is, though, Google is not an encyclopedia — it’s not necessarily curated to give you the most “correct” answers first.

Search engine ranking is determined by SEO (search-engine optimization) techniques which chiefly consist of how “popular” a given URL is on the Web as a whole, not the “truth” of the content.

You misspelled Gizmodo

Interesting thing to note: the rest of the results appear to be related to Holocaust Denial. I think Google is reading the query as misbeluef and pooling together several results for questioning it.

Google is just supposed to find you the information you are looking for, not verify the accuracy or appropriateness of that information.

I believe I have lost what little respect I had for this site. This whole article is just fucking insane. Absolutely insane. How could such a disgustingly liberal website such as this advocate for a corporate entity to start censoring it’s search results?

I think Google has a responsibility not to modify the search results manually. Google is just supposed to find you the information you are looking for, not verify the accuracy or appropriateness of that information.

I’m more than a little shocked that Gizmodo has come down so hard on the side of censorship. There are very good reasons we shouldn’t want private companies deciding on the value of information.