Ashwin Mudigonda

The hand model is creepy.

It's a F'in phone that probably costs as much as the grocery bill for an entire year of some impoverished African country's household. it is not just a f'in phone. It is a device that has directly resulted in the deaths of many human beings, in a horrible factory in China, in the mining jungles of Congo, in the

Crap! At this rate, I'll wait until the ZestyLemon version. Just when the Galaxy S was beginning to make me salivate.

Hope it doesn't end up becoming a "Circus"

Someone explain to me why the unit of the scale is meters.

Keep that burn, Giz. Only you can do it. While other sites are kowtowing to Apple, only you are emerging as the counterpoint temple of the iZombie Religion that seems to be flourishing. I pray here daily.

Which means that there are no other buildings in all of China?

@Chris Langro: So let me reckon, you are an avid FOX "news" watcher?

I guess the moral of the story is start off making great products that few people will buy and once the word gets around, compromise on the quality.

Jeez! Why won't anyone listen to me? Why waste a good organ donor this way? Why don't we put the guy under anesthesia and harvest all his organs. What better way for a condemned prisoner to serve society while not putting him through any more pain than a person undergoing bypass surgery would be subjected to.

Dear Starbucks( corporation), thanks, but no thanks. I would rather go to Bongo Java or Frothy Monkey or Crema and support my local business. They always offered free wifi.

Wow! I wonder how the US will figure a way to "bring democracy" to their masses and "free them" from their oppressed dictators.

Oh noes! India! My home! Crapshit! Remember what happened after the Bhopal Gas Disaster? :(

I fear that eating cheap need not necessarily mean eating good. Farm fed antibiotics laden chicken eggs and milk is not a "deal" in the long run. All the money an individual saves will be recurred once he/she reaches diabetes/immune system disorder stage.

I find the opposite. Hailing from India, ginger, garlic and onions form the holy trinity in all my curries. However, after cooking in the US, I find the punch of garlic severely lacking. Where I used to use a petal or two for making Biryani, I find myself using about 8. Even that, leaves a wanting taste. I use the

It's really simple. The carriers are there as stopgap until we have blanket WiFi in the universe. Then, in 2011, I want to have the best phone there is. (Android, obviously)

And China wins again. Do we really need these objects in our everyday lives? Maybe Giz should think about covering the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. (or is that strictly a Treehugger zone of influence? (then why have the Best of Treehugger weekly post?) )

Interesting that in the Hindu mythology, Yama is the God of Death. (Grim Reaper of sortS)