
I’m honestly past the point of debate about climate change. If somebody loudly denies that it’s a thing, and I object, and they say prove me wrong, I tell them it’s not my job. Some people are only going to become educated about climate change when they:

Here is the “debate” in a nutshell:

Demanding abrupt and expensive changes in public policy...

It’s not uncommon for doors to be inoperable after an impact. This goes for all kinds of doors - even normal manual ones.


So, what makes products of both companies PoS? Because that seems as reactionary as those who love everything from both companies.

Soo… are you implying Apple waited for the Galaxy S8 to start designing their next iPhone? Another possibility is Samsung simply rushed a product out the door based on rumors of where Apple is going? idk ?? I think people are smart enough to know the differences at this point between buying a Samsung phone and an

Don’t worry everyone; Novak will be sure to shout from the rooftops if any innocents are killed. He’s an active member of the Blame America First crowd, especially since Trump was elected. If Obama had done this action (Ha!), and there had been unintended collateral damage, Novak would be as silent as a church mouse

Just rewatched the scene after reading your post. 100% not the same girls. He makes no indication himself about that connection, the therapist doesn’t know about the kidnappings at that point. The situation (as weird as it is) is described as two 17 or 18 year old girls run up and they place his hands on their

Well, I inferred that they were self harm scars because A.) While it is not explicity stated or presented (Thank goodness!), it is heavily implied that the survivor (the names are such an afterthought) was sexually abused by her uncle, and the idea of him also cutting her several dozen times with small incisions as

I guess I took it a little differently. They had plenty of interaction before that point and I just assumed he/she/they/The Horde just ‘put it all together’ in that moment. The pieces of that puzzle just clicked. She became more than her previous self the moment she fired the shotgun and confronted her beast as she

That’s funny, I’ve used an Autopilot on my boat and an airplane, and neither one ever promised to negate the need for an attentive watch for other traffic.

Because it’s relevant to see what Russian media says about the strike (propaganda or not). It certainly doesn’t read like an endorsement to me.

Legally speaking, yeah. That’s the whole point of a trial. To prove guilt. If you can cast enough doubt on the idea that you committed the crime, it’s the other side’s job to prove you did.

I don’t even know why you’d put blame on the child. Even with a properly protected WiFi network, it’s so easy to crack, you can put blame on nearly anyone. You can go on Youtube right now and learn to do it in an afternoon. 

I would say electrical failure will make things far worse than no speedo in a new Tesla.

you know they already handle all of the issues you brought up right?

Spider-"You mind if i sleep in your bed sheets tonight? I'll only bite if you fucking touch me..."