
But Zac Efron might see her holding her boss' purse at a party and fall for her! Would you take that possibility away, you monster?!

I'm | too sexy for the dance | too sexy for the Dads | too sexy for the lads

Troll so hard.

What the fuck is this?

These reenactments are absolutely surreal. Thanks to the ID channel for introducing us to palatable reenactments of stuff you just know we wouldn't want to witness first-hand.

Pretty sure they are clapping for the host for kicking him off.

When offering unsolicited writing advice, try not to misspell simple three-letter words.

"...after he casually admitted that he had previously killed tow women he had been romantically involved with."

Despite the fact that this is essentially a long-form ad for CNA schools about getting free work out of senior citizens, it is FUCKING ADORABLE. That one woman has a great instinct for teaching. "You know, instead of saying . . ."

Go watch some porn, asshole.

That's adorable, and hopefully will aid in the comeback of some really swell old slang words.

That sounds a lot like my best friend's family, except it was her MOM who had that "girls are useless" attitude. That's one thing I will never understand. Now my best friend is a successful nurse while her brother is a professional window washer with a neck tattoo that says "Fuck You" (I wish I was making that up) and

Men like that piss me off. You determine the gender, assholes!

I knew it! Reproduction is a trap encouraged only by the most primitive parts of the brain.

I agree that it's interesting but there is something sort of icky about revealing this information about her body which she clearly doesn't want made public. I wouldn't call the post supportive or un-supportive, however it skeeves me a little.

I'll probably get flamed to death over this, but I really don't think fraternities and sororities are the devil as people here seem to think. People act like Greek life is the only thing causing rape on campus. The fact is, the same guys in frats will still get together and have parties and potentially roofie girls.

I am disturbed by this. A university is now putting itself in the position of regulating the off campus activities of its adult student body by mandating that they can't be associated with certain groups without risk of expulsion.

IIRC, she has a learning disability or some sort of developmental disability. Cut her a damn break, willya? What is wrong with you?

Animal abuse isn't something I merely think is wrong, it is wrong. There is no justification for it. People that exploit those voiceless, be that animals, children, human traffic victims, are all undeserving of life.