
I can understand that, but I don't understand the resentment directed at Macklemore rather than at the Grammys and the industry itself. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for Jez to post an article about an artist of color instead of 3 about Macklemore?

MACKLEMORE IS THE NOT THE REASON THERE IS RACISM. Hating individuals because they benefit from systemic racism (especially when they acknowlede and talk about it like Macklemore does) doesn't help anyone, and it actually works to strengthen the system of racism by contributing to the myth that racism is primarily

I feel like a lot of this hate is from straight white people who want their tolerance for THE GAYS to not be too mainstream so they can feel better than everyone else. It really feels that way sometimes.

Jezebel reminds me more and more of me on the internet when I was 12 and I would get into fights and I would be completely wrong but I would just keep talking and digging a deeper hole...


So what exactly do you want from him, really? He is the most socially conscious white artists in the mainstream in a LONG time. Whether you enjoy his art or if "its shit" is another issue.

Right? I mean, awards shows ALWAYS have surprises, and popularity often beats talent. Yes, there are racial implications in overall patterns that we need to talk about, but reading them into any individual win is problematic. Despite what some people want, Macklemore is a good rapper. Great, even. He deserved to win

Well, yearbook photos are pretty much public. It's always fun to see what people lookeid like as kids, and this isn't even a bad picture of anything. Just a kid.

Glad I'm not the only one.

TKE was definitely the douche frat where I went to school but even they didn't throw racist parties (that I know of). Glad to hear they aren't like that everywhere.

SERIOUSLY. Is masturbation really a thing people have relationship drama over? My goodness. That is really sad.

How much does sexytime with him cost

Why does everyone think she is missing am arm? Arm is clearly behind her back. That's angle, not photoshop. You can see part of the arm between the green of her dress and the dog.



You might want to look back to '75.

ew remember when she was on Friends as the blandest hot girl character ever?

I worked in a music store at the time this was out and it played CONSTANTLY. I can only appreciate this now.

Just watch them. You can transfer over to hate-watching if you need to. It makes it much funnier to remember Fellowes writes EVERYTHING whenever something absurd happens. I just picture him very pleased with himself, and some poor staffer saying "Are you sure this is what you're going for?" and then getting yelled at.