Seriously. I realize a tubal is much more invasive and complicated, but I bet none of these doctors performing “brosectomies” refused some men as patients since they might change their mind later.
Seriously. I realize a tubal is much more invasive and complicated, but I bet none of these doctors performing “brosectomies” refused some men as patients since they might change their mind later.
My friends and family have all been getting snipped recently and I love the dudes and their dramatic stories. I shoved a human out my vag and had another yanked out of my sliced open uterus, but please do go on about your excruciating in-office procedure.
My brother’s was “snipped” with lasers. I did enjoy his story…
I know! These men and women are crazy, I would suggest to these guys to stop having sex then, that is the remedy for all these “false accusations”.
Why isn’t this the easiest type of legislation for everyone to get behind? Why does helping women after sexual trauma have to be a partisan issue?
Sadly, that’s something that actually WOULD result in jail time and he would never be suspected of falsely accusing you of punching him.
I was hoping that the comment about boys losing a role model meant something more like, “Boys are losing a role model who shows them that it’s not always about violence and harmful displays of power. Boys can always benefit from seeing that characteristics of caring aren’t just ‘for girls.’” do we even have any proof the “male” Doctors have penises? Asking for a friend.
I had a lengthy argument on here with a self-proclaimed MRA who was saying one of the reasons he was an MRA was because he wanted to be able to teach his son how to be a good man. He clarified that he wanted to be able to teach his son qualities he thinks make a good man (I’m sure they were things like strength,…
But minorities and women should just shut up and be able identify with all the white males that are already out there because of....reasons!
How did you manage when you don’t share a gender?!?
As a 90's boy growin up, i’d like to point out that both Ripley and Jordan O’neill (G.I. Jane) are badasses and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.
I think a trump surrogate made the exact same argument during the election. If Hillary wins, who would the boyz look up to?
Yes, who will boys look up to now? It’s not like there are that many powerful male figures in entertainment, especially in the sci-fi realm. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOY CHILDREN?!?
As a guy, I’ll second point number two. Men are simple creatures (in so many ways) and, while we may have preferences, pretty much any method will lead to orgasm. It was a surprise as a young man trying to figure out this whole sex thing to find how untrue that was for women. What worked like a charm for one would do…
Unfortunately I think this barrier is twofold: pleasuring sex is still very much regarded as a male domain. We have to worry about not getting pregnant, understanding the complexities of our cycles, dealing with menstruation, knowing about UTIs... Educating girls about orgasming on top of all this is almost an…
This is a very somber article from 1996 that really gets to the core of the same principles; it opens with a reference to a then-recent headline describing a certain woman as “a man’s worst nightmare.”
At every single one of my prenatal appointments they asked me if I was safe in my home. I am, but it broke my heart that they needed to ask that. But at the same time I was glad they did.
And what’s not in the report but is a commonly known fact in sociology and criminology circles is that the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.
We already knew this but thanks CDC.