
Make vasectomys illegal. Make Viagra illegal. Make it illegal to be a deadbeat parent. Charge all dead beats with negelect and abuse. Raise the child support to half of the absent parents pay check. Start making it harder to be a trashy dad. If you make it illegal for women better do it for dogs too. If theres no war

He must be one of those “good guys” males are always calling themselves.

Yea she knew this was going on and did nothing. Seems like an accomplice

While you normally get 15 years in jail for killing a person. He kills 2 and gets 9? So how long is his parole? And i sure hooooooopppe women arent stupid enough to get with him after he gets out. But i mean what did we really expect. Its 2017 and males can do whatever they want to women still. In the 90s women still

Yes? You must be male to think its ok to do that. Feel bad for your exes.

It doesnt matter what the victim did. It matters what the criminal does. They need to start actually arresting the males that are sexually assaulting women. Because we all know if a woman did this she would ve arrested and charged

They need to raise child support to 50% of the parents pay check. And arrest all deadbeat fathers fir neglect and abuse. Put them all in jail! Love how guys only have to pay 600$ a year to be dead beats . women have to pay over a grand to not have kids. And it costs 10 grand a year to raise a poverty child. Its also

So they shouldnt be able to graduate. If you dont take the full corse you cant call yourself a real doctor. Not sorry. Btw it should be illegal to not teach abortion since its medically necessary and safe and healthy for women. Tell me again theres no war on women. No one tells males no vasectomy.. Shouldn’t those be

Lol why not? I enjoy enforcing my respect. Its better then being a doormat people actually look UP to me not DOWN. Lol

Doesnt make sense since women characters are based off of males nowadays. So yea copy women that are copying you? Lol

All females in hollywood show their boobs or body at some point. Thats what their job has been for decades. Were supposed to be suprised shes shown her boobs? Really? Ive never watched dr who but i might actually have to get netflix to watch it. And if its so bad to see a womam with no shirt why do males walk around

So since 3 women had regrets.... They want to take the option away fromhundreds millions of women that dont regret it? What sense does that make. Sounds like they should go to church. Their man probably got mad at them thats why they reversed it. . i will never get why people are mad with abortion the baby will still

Then why cant we make butkas and hijabs illegal here. If they are forced to wear that there they should be forced legally to take it off.

I totally agree. Its kinda sick you have gone GIRL when its a movie about a woman who fakes a kidnapping. Like seriously gross to even say its a girl.

Why even be married if you cant do the things you want together. Seems like deadbeat males

Dont all rapists act like this. Hes just acting the type now. Once a rapist always a rapist. And btw if you pay for sex thats rape. Are there laws on Stockholm syndrome?

Yet you just brought all this up. Idk if its true or not. But thats great you say no one will yet contradict yourself.

Yes blm is a great movement. But its noy just black people getting killed by police. Its everyone. Personally i have been sexually assaulted by cops and yhe only time they stopped was when i pulled out a camera. And emts arent much better. And i dated a fire fighter so i know all about “kelly day”look it up its a

Arent cults supposed to be illegal. I thought thats why the juggalos are protesting. Why dont they investigate it. How do they know hr doesnt have under age kids or women with stolkhome syndrome

She needs to sue the college aswell then