“ DACA recipients are twice as likely to be criminals per extensive statistical studies trying to exonerate them.”
“ DACA recipients are twice as likely to be criminals per extensive statistical studies trying to exonerate them.”
Nope. In order to commit a crime, the suspect must have the requisite mental state of intent. Children under a certain age are incapable of forming said intent. The crime you refer to was committed by their parents.
Nobody ever invites me to join sex cults :(
Pokemon Go still does not have systems in place promised before launch (ex: trading), current systems do not work well (raids), and other systems were removed (proper tracking). Why would they release a new app when the current one is not in a good state? And why would they expect anyone burned by Pokemon Go to go…
I’m glad they are bringing in real voice talent because season one was just painful to listen to. Like a fan dub of a 1970's anime. Mind you a lot of the voices from this upcoming season are still pretty bad. I’m just glad to have more Transformers though so I can deal with it.
Can reporters only ask him Titanic themed questions from now on? I want to see how long this can go on before he finds out what happened to it.
That’s nothing. During pregame warmups, Newton was heard telling his teammates, “Time to fire up the Hindenburg!”
If that’s the case, someone should really let Papa John know that. His racist, dog whistle comments about protesters are the reason the Alt-Right jumped on board with his brand.
I’ve heard people trying to defend McNair’s remarks as “something that people say all the time.” The thing is, I’ve never heard “inmates running the prison.” It’s always been “inmates running the asylum,” as in bat-shit psychotic patients attempting to run their psychiatric hospital. That being the case, his use of…
Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!
Jerry Jones Logic
😂😂 That’s hilarious. It reminded me of this old joke bit of writing:
I haven’t seen the movie, but I do know that CinemaScore is the group that regularly gives Happy Madison movies As and Bs, so I wouldn’t read to much into that score.
Some people are fans of the New England Patriots. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the New England…
Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.
Unfortunately the release of legendaries relies solely on how people do during this event.
Americans generally get a failing grade when it comes to knowing our “patriotic songs.” I know more people who can…
During the Jim Crow era, traveling in the United States for African-Americans was difficult and often dangerous.…