Ashley Blalock

Reminds me of how a comic book writer said you have to enjoy the characters if you want people to keep coming back to your stories. It’s wanting to know what happens next in the life of the characters that make people into lifelong fans.

Even with the director of 500 Days of Summer I just don’t see this working out well. It just seems like something special gets lost when Hollywood tries to turn animation into live action.

I hope they get Sean Bean to play someone like KGBeast.  

I hit puberty in the US in the 80's so I well remember how there was no way I’d ever let anyone know I was bi because back then bi was seen the same as being gay. Gay was seen as somehow not being human.

Blitzwing feels like a name slap.  He doesn’t really have design elements that really say Blitzwing and he didn’t get any lines that you’d attribute to either G1 or Animated Blitzwing.  Which is all rather weird given how easy it was to pick out who was who on Cybertron.

Other than The Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven I am really racking my brain to come up with another situation where you took a film from another nation and Hollywood turned it into something either equal to or greater than the original film.

Yea I don’t mind them keeping the actors, well maybe a better Joker. But it’s past time to drop all the bad ideas by just rebooting the whole thing. They tried a save, it didn’t work so time to reboot.

As someone who spends perhaps an unhealthy amount of time alone I totally get making observations on social interaction. Although I make mental notes instead of dictating the observations. Humans are strange and their interactions can be somewhat baffling since they aren’t always logical.

As a fan of fun and ridiculous I don’t really get caught up in the whole oh but this movie did it 0.5% better than this other movie.  I’m just happy to live in a world that could contain both Blazing Saddles and Deadpool.

I sometimes wonder if they include the human silhouette because our inner child is going to ask, but could you ride it?

Since the video is kind of a history lesson I’m surprised they didn’t cover the fear in the 1980's that Japan would buy up everything.

I think The Orville does something interesting with a utopian future where the characters aren’t perfect.  It’s a ship full of losers and rejects that are somehow striving to be better.  It’s rather encouraging to know you don’t have to be the best of the best for a better future if you keep striving to be better.

Kind of brings up an interesting thought experiment of if something exceeds the source material then should the original stuff be the source material until the ends of time or should the most popular incarnation become the source material?

Even with the EU and novels wipped out it’s still never clear in the movies that he’s dead.  For characters cheating death this is way easier than just about anything we get in either comic books or movies.

Slowing the pace down was kind of nice because we got a chance to see why the different characters thought they were right.

I never got the Boba Fett is dead logic.

Two things give me at least a wee bit of hope.

It’s sad when the CW can manage to keep more superhero shows running than Netflix.

They had a chance to get rid of the problems that the character had at his core. But instead of hey that wasn’t cool in the comics they decided to pretty much ignore the problem in the same way that TV ignored the problem with the casting of Kung Fu back in the day.

In an era where a movie like Atomic Blond can make the cuts look like there were no cuts it’s a damn shame that Iron Fist would use the sort of ham-fisted cuts that take all the flow out of the fight scenes.