Ashley Blalock

Handing out touchdown footballs to kids. Someone must stop this monster before he gives kids the wrong idea that football is a fun sport instead of something to be super serious about all the time.

But it’s not just a load of heroes being hitting the screen all at once you also have the load of villains since the production team keeps saying there is more than just Lex and Doomsday.

I don’t think the origins are going to be that big of a problem. Thor is an alien god so a 5,000 year old Wonder Woman with the powers of a god doesn’t seem like a huge stretch. Atlantis is often shown as a lost city under the water so with so much of the oceans not explored a lost city doesn’t seem insane. Once you

Something like that would work because you don’t have to replace Bowie and instead of the reboot/reimagined mess you cash in on nostalgia without having to rip any of that nostalgia down. A bit like the boat loads of money Jurassic World made by saying Jurassic Park happened it’s just years later.

My problem wasn’t really Superman kills Zod. If Superman had been the big blue boyscout everyone loved from the past and he was forced into killing Zod as the only solution then that might be interesting.

I’m also in that boat of wait but I’ve been watching every new episode every week since the show started. People came up with all sorts of reasons to give up on the show, but there was something there that said wait a minute I want to see if they can cash in on the seeds they are planting.

There does seem to be this strain of arrogance that well if we developed written language then anybody that is somebody will have written language. If we discovered radio waves and how to use them to communicate over long distances then everyone civilized in the universe must have radios. We seem to assume that all

My excuse is not having cable. I haven’t seen it pop up on either Netflix streaming, Hulu Plus, or Amazon Prime free episodes so I get the feeling it’s one of those cable or nothing shows.

What’s it about. It’s about about as insanely over the top cheesey that it transcends cheesy into something so awesome you have to wonder what mountain of cocaine got a studio to say screw it let’s do this thing.

Hopefully I’m wrong because it wouldn’t be the first time or last time my gut feeling was wrong on a film. I think that’s why I never trust marketing or the interview circuit but go okay let’s see if the reviews sound like something I’d like or not.

It’s like the production team got together and said okay Superman was a dick in Man of Steel so how can we make him a bag of dicks for Superman v Batman?

It’s starting to sound like the second Mortal Kombat movie where they decided what could go wrong if we put in every character that has ever been in the game series into one movie.

Maybe a line somewhere about going to catch Ziggy Stardust on galactic tour again. Or perhaps some sort of poster or billboard in the background of a scene.

I find it a bit odd a well. One lump sum and eh that’s it or look forward to a still insane amount of money every year for the next 30 years. I’d take the payments because that would be like winning the lottery every year for the next 30 years.

For a while there I was loving the fourth quarter. What looked like a fairly easy win at the end of the third quarter suddenly turns into an edge of your seat who will win in the fourth as the defense on both teams will have to step up and is the Steelers offense out of gas?

Yes but wouldn’t you rather see Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in full color instead of Snyder-tone :)

I’ve got my fingers crossed that the parts that aren’t Superman make it something pretty good, but I’m not betting on it. Definitely one of those movies I’d want to read the reviews on before buying a ticket.

Star Wars has always had a lot of Eastern Philosophy elements to it so to have history repeating itself doesn’t feel out of place to me. Even in Western culture it’s not insane to see history repeat itself as both Napoleon and Hitler had their butts handed to them by underestimating the Russian winters. Did anyone

I can call myself the Queen of England but that doesn’t make me a woman or give me any blood ties to the throne. It’s like calling a chair with no wheels a wheelchair just because hey you can sit in it so a chair with no wheels must be close enough.

Still haven’t seen the first one because films with Megan Fox can’t even cut my horrible movies weekend list.