Ashley Blalock

I’d love a world where every last superhero movie was a great movie. But darn it’s just so hard to build up any hope for this movie. My last hope is that when the reviews roll in that my gut feeling turns out to be totally wrong. Marketing has really dropped the ball selling me on this movie.

It would have been a great time to squish any fears after Man of Steel and to win people over with this is why you will be happy this time. Instead it felt like everything wrong with Man of Steel only this time a couple of other heroes are thrown in. I felt even more negative towards the film after seeing the trailer

I think broken is the right word for the story of Avengers 2. Felt too much like I was seeing parts of a movie instead of an entire movie. Maybe it’s just me but it felt like they were pushing the next phase of the bigger franchise than focusing on telling a story for one movie.

Geeks man, it’s not like our super model girlfriend is bugging us to jet off to some party in Paris.

You just never know how characters will turn out. Harley was going to a one episode joke and done but fans went crazy for that wacky gal. Other characters were supposed be big and fans just went whatever.

Not worn out on Marvel yet but Avenger 2 wasn’t all I hoped it could be. Maybe director’s cut extended edition will change my feeling, but it just seemed rather off to me compared to the first Avengers film. But yea I could easily see how someone could feel that maybe we are just getting too much.

Would have been nice to know more if they wanted to really get the buzz going. I’m guessing they must really be early in the project to have so little to tease with.

I’ve been around geekdom since ye olde days when geeks had to hang out at a conventions or comic book shops to complain about whatever subject was giving fans a reason to complain. Complaining was around long before I was old enough read comic books or watch TV.

I meant the story and characters morphing as the movies progess since I thought that was what you were talking about.

I don’t always like costume changes but I do like this one. Enough to the old classic elements worked in for some comic book goodness but enough new elements to bring the fun of new. I guess I’m just a sucker for a good mix up of old and new.

A chance that it could morph into something better, but right now from what has been shown it doesn’t feel like a lot to pin my hopes upon.

Why comment on anything one way or the other? Comic book geeks commit on superhero related stuff because that’s what comic book geeks do. Back in the comic book shop days you could go in and some people would say Rob Liefeld was the greatest thing ever while other comic book geeks would say he was the worst thing to

Movie based on a comic book I did not like. Seems to be more of the same stuff I did not like from Man of Steel. I have a bad track record with the director’s films. I don’t like how the colors seem to be toned down in this film. I’m burned out on Hollywood’s dark realism phase so it takes something really outstanding

Well there is that issue of copyright laws so without the proper approvals making a Superman movie is just going to your ass sued off for copyright infringement. For the effects, actors, camera gear, production team, and promotion you either need a studio bankrolling the film or you’d need Bruce Wayne sort of money

How is being a cop or a paramedic not a choice? No one has ever forced someone to become a police officer against their will. Sorry fire figher you got a pay check so rushing into that burning building to save a family isn’t heroic it’s just punching the time clock. People had to chose to do that job even with the

Studios make trailers so you will form an opinion about a movie long before it is actually released. They hope you will form a positive opinion and get excited about the movie but it doesn’t always work out that way.

But the trailer really doesn’t do anything to change anyone’s mind. If you loved Man of Steel well more of the same, but if you hated Man of Steel well more of the same. It was the chance to say it’s not just Man of Steel 2 with Batman and they went for it’s Man of Steel 2 with Batman. Makes it too easy to judge when

I don’t know so much haters as people just really disappointed that once again they aren’t going to get what they wanted. I don’t hate DC, growing up I reading both Marvel and DC comic books, cartoons are no contest DC wins hands down.

It’s Warner Brothers so it will be some grim, dark, gritty version of Green Lantern with no smiles or fun allowed. Basically Batman with a power ring.

Uncle Ben “Peter with great power comes great responsiblitiy”