
Actually they do take phone calls and emails more seriously because their offices record when these interactions and the concerns. That's why a lot of these cowards have been avoiding calls and townhalls altogether.

I get the feeling a lot of people made that same argument for why NOT to vote this past election. Democrats and Republicans are the same, they said. Hillary is just as bad as Donald, they said. A lot of people are getting wake up calls.

That BK fish sandwich looks like struggle food… I remember (many years ago) when they used to look far better than that. It's probably been that long since I tasted one, so I'm assuming they no longer taste as good as they once did too.

Like most outdoor event/festival/in-a-truck/carnival food, you just gotta say a little prayer and hope for the best. Heck… you gotta do that with any restaurant food.

I came here just to talk about this guy, lol. These people don't deserve money. He seemed unsure whether he wanted a refund or not.

Ah thanks. I'm gradually remembering this.

What was the connection to Cairo though?

Wait… those people weren't really there building an ark? Was that a hallucination, or a dream?

Interesting…. the more y'know.

I love that shot. And it's not even concern for her, which makes it even more sinister. It's what she's potentially providing for them. Cause once any potential baby is born and weaned, the Handmaiden is kicked out of the picture and it'd be Serena Joy and Rita raising a baby.

I visit on my work computer … I wouldn't dare on anything I actually own, lol.

Speaking of people who support Trump… is anyone listening to S-Town podcast? Have any thoughts?

I never advise commenting on Breitbart, but it doesn't hurt (too much) to visit the comment section on that site. I do it just to see what Trumpsters be thinking. And after this, it seems to me that they generally feel we have the biggest baddest military in the world (which we do), and we've spent the last 8 years

"I saw a spiritual dance team perform an interpretative dance to the chopped and screwed version of “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.”"

I heard they were already questioning whether or not he was a doctor. SMDH

I was hoping Marnie would say something about diapers and being a baby, lol, but Marnie probably came out of the womb potty trained.

Was that really Adam Scott signing or was it dubbed?

I know I've seen this movie, but I legit couldn't remember the plot without that synopsis.

Ugh that's probably so true considering how abusers isolate their victims.