
I still think Qyburn is a double agent. Mostly cause I think he's a double agent in the book. And Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, besides being horribly written on the show, haven't actually reach bad guy level for me. But yeah of the bad guys, they're really narrowing it down to the Night King.

True. But at least the name could've lived on.

Maybe it's not an accident that their scenes together seem more romantic than familial.

Is there anyone else left to kill? Besides Cersei? We getting into fan favorite territory.

Soooooo how are Bran and Meera getting to the wall? Cause Benjen pretty much left them without a sled or a horse. Is Bran supposed to drag himself through the snow or is Meera about to carry him?

Where can I sign up to join House Mormont? I'm so ready to pledge allegiance to Lyanna Mormont.

If ancient spells are carved in The Wall so the dead can't pass, doesn't that mean the White Walkers are pretty defeated already??? Unless the show is going to introduce all the magical horns in the book? Have they mentioned any of those horns? Seems like, lets just send everybody to fight along the wall and make

Damn… and like that one of the most significant houses in the Seven Kingdoms is just destory. RIP House Baratheon! You were the random Targaryen offshoot that probably survived longer than you should have.

Is that what we're calling it now? The Green Trial?

Not Harraenhall. They probably got married at the Tower of Joy. It's in Dorne and he was probably using Dornishl law to his advantage by being there. You don't take your side piece to your wife's homeland without good reason. Maybe even Elia (being Dornish) was cool with it.

Maybe not. There's a reason why the Tower of Joy is in Dorne. Good chance that Rhaegar married Lyanna because Dornish laws are flexible on the "more than one wife rule," besides he wouldn't be the first Targaryen to have more than one wife at the same time anyway.

Oh I agree with this!

Quick question: Does anyone know how much time has passed since Jon was resurrected and Battle of the Bastards?

Hey, not saying it's a perfect idea that fits with every character. Just that the main/large plots are still in line and close to the same points that they were at the end of Book 5, with a lot of moving around of characters.

I don't really understand why these reviews feel that way? It's been FOREVER since the "good guys" got a "win" on Thrones. We haven't seen a battle like this since Blackwater and that wasn't a on-the-field type of battle anyway. And we're already getting close to the "real" fight against the White Walkers. What do

I actually do. I just usually watch excellent TV and stay away from the reality crap. Unless it's fake reality like UnReal.

Compared to the last two episodes (which was some of the worst TV I've seen in awhile) this was amazing.

And Dorne has ships.

Nooooo, not Wun Wun!!!!!

Brandon Stark (Ned's big brother) and Ashara Dayne.