
Although to be honest, I've never watched a full episode before. So I should probably blame the people who love Seinfeld for my disdain of it. Friends is a close second, though, and that I used to watch. But again, it's the people and their raising it to "cult" status that make me hate it more.

I need the backstory on what the Kappas did to Damon, lol. Cause he has me in tears every time he mentions them, lmao. #NotAKappaTwitter

I rather see Danny in snippets than not at all. He is still Mindy's baby's father and without him there, it would just make the whole thing sad and weird on a whole other level. It would be odd to hear Mindy dealing with single parenting issues and then either have her not reference Danny at all, or have her voice his

Yes! Yes, you do!
I joke, but as a woman of color (I'm black), whenever my status changed to single, it always seemed interesting to me that my white friends wanted to "hook" me up with other single brown people they knew. It's oddly never, "hey, this white guy is hot, how about him?" Even though they're very well

Yeah I agree. I just wonder if that's still on the table though in the show. Jaime definitely isn't on Cersei's side at this point in the books, but he is on the show. Why would the writers even mention "three" and not go back to address it? And if they do go back to address it does that mean Jaime will eventually

This is one of my all-time favorite Jimmy moments. Like, you know he's happy with his wife, but in the back of his mind his world just exploded. Everything he thought he knew has been rewritten, lol.

Where? Do you mean on the show? It was 5 on 2 on the show and 7 on 3 in the book. I'm referring to the book.

I think we find out when Jon finds out. And Jon is not at the point, where it's time for him to find out. But… renouncing NW means he's getting there.

Yeah… it's slightly different on the show I'm assuming because that's the only way they can do the Tower of Joy and greensight stuff. But in the books, Bran can only see through the weirwoods and he never sees the Tower of Joy. That's partially why the south cut down their weirwoods. We only know about ToJ through Ned

I couldn't agree more with you about the changes in Tower of Joy scene. Considering all of the unnecessary time taken up with Tommen and High Sparrow talking, Tyrion trying to get Missandei and Grey Work talking, and Qyburn feeding a bunch of random kids candy, they really could've devoted more screen time to just

"Pretty devastated" may be a bit much. I saw someone else talking about this, but their idea was that Jon has some pretty heavy daddy issues and part of his problem is that he's looking for a father in men who can't be what he needs. So he replaced Ned with Benjen… then replaced Benjen with Mormont, replaced Mormont

Targaryens, not even Dany, are fire proof though. Yeah, Dany managed to crack open 3 dragon eggs on a funeral pyre, but plenty of Targaryens have burned in the past and Dany is afraid of getting burnt and is burnt by fire in ADWD.

No you're right. Something similar happened in the book when Bran calls out to Ned at the Winterfell heart tree vision. I don't think it's a coincidence either. I think in the books, there may be an implication that the Old Gods really were/are speaking to the ancestors/First Men/whatever through the trees. Like

Yeah, it was originally 3 on 7. Dayne, Oswell Whent and Gerold Hightower. I believe in Ned's re-telling of it Oswell was the one sharpening his sword and had a bat on the front of his helm. I think the show combined Hightower and Whent and then went down from 7 Stark dudes to 5.

I'm hoping "long con" is what we'll see too. A lot has happened on screen between Rickon's last appearance (3 season?) and now, so hopefully a lot has happened off screen too.

Yeah that one. I figured back then the writers were holding out on having Maggy say the third one for dramatic effect. But I haven't heard fans of the show even bring it up. Which makes me wonder if they (the writers) just forgot about it.

Speaking of prophecies and flashbacks… I'm surprised no one in the last two years (book readers and non-book readers) have asked the question, "Hey, what about the third prophecy that Maggy the Frog promised to make in that flashback from last season?" I imagine that'll come up again at some point on the show.

I agree. There's still a lot to be spoiled on if you're not a book-reader. Plus the show has proven that they're jumping all over the place. If this were one review, all of us book readers would be talking and theorizing R+L=J, Kingsmoot, Euron/Victarion, War in Meereen, War in the Reach, Northern Conspiracy,

So a few thoughts:

But he's so easily defeated by a "good talking to"