
My white friends are always buying the beer and alcohol. ALWAYS.

It depends. I have had some white co-workers who are some of my really good friends and we've gotten drunk together. I think age plays a part in it. I work in the media industry, so especially when we were in our early 20s, we definitely got drunk together. But now that I'm 30, I've noticed that it's a huge no-no. But

This should've been in the top 10. Cause if I'm getting drunk around you, there's a bit of an expectation that you got my back. I've definitely had this happen with one or two white girlfriends, not all of them, cause I don't trust them like that, but one or two of them.

I can't tell if this is a joke or if you really don't know the difference between race and nationality??? I'm going to assume it's a joke.

I'm just guessing here… but even Vixen couldn't destroy that thing on the first, or second, or third, or fourth try. It took her having to figure out that she needed all of the animals to help (I feel like this sounds like a video game). Chances are Darkh thought it was indestructible.

I thought they were standing under something, cause neither of them appeared to get wet. I could barely focus on the scene cause I was wondering why water wasn't touching them.

Proximity wasn't an issue, so that's probably why he shrugged it off and probably assumed he could get it back. It took all of the animal kingdom for Vixen to destroy it, so he probably wasn't thinking that was an option for Team Arrow.

Really? Seems like it worked out pretty well for him in each season. In that, he managed to betray his family each season and not be exiled or killed.

Does this mean that Duke Rollo isn't long for the Vikings world???

I have a few Cuban friends and Latino friends from the Miami area, and none of them like him or plan to vote for him. One of them recently told me her Cuban brother-in-law was disappointed Jeb was out and he was now leaning Ben Carson.

This series better end with Bertie marrying Edith. I don't care for anything else. They can all die in a hurricane or a tornado or a tsunami, but Bertie better marry Edith and whisk her and Marigold away from Downton.

One of my favorite films and one of Nolan's best. It's so underrated.

You can support the HBCUs and the black students who attend PWIs. It's not an either/or discussion.

I grew up in the Midwest where there always seemed to be larger fights over which Big 10 school to attend rather than PWI vs HBCU. The HBCUs always seemed so far away. It wasn't until I moved to the East Coast did I see the PWI vs HBCU fight, which is just ridiculous to me. I look at it this way, I wouldn't have gone

I keep a beautiful container of shea souffle from Bath and Body Works on my desk at work, which means that every melanin deficient person who walks by my desk always wants to compliment me on the pretty looking candle. When I correct them, and say, it's lotion. All of a sudden I get crazy looks. As if a candle in an

This episode didn't make much sense to me. I was certain William was going to come up during the debate. Darkh still doesn't know that Oliver is Green Arrow right? Although at this point, it seems pretty obvious.

It's Leo DiCaprio.

Damn Aubrey.

Guess I'll never hear this Kanye album. *Shrug*

That's our fault… I once listened to Anthony Bourdain explain how lobster used to be considered "garbage meat" that was fed to prisoners and servants like 100 years ago. Some New England prison even sued because they were being served too much lobster.