
It's hard to boycott something I don't watch anyway.

I thought about it too, but I always think about it when it comes to weddings. But that's only because I was forced to take etiquette classes twice in my lifetime.

I've started every episode with, "maybe this is the one with Matthew Goode!" So far, I've been disappointed.

I haven't seen this film, but where does The Danish Girl fit into this argument?

LOL, my Netflix queue is embarrassing. But I'll admit I was distracted and doing other stuff when Mad Max was playing on my TV. I'll definitely sit down and watch it again.

Ok, now I want it to win an Oscar just on your description alone!

4.8 million an episode for Jessica Jones sounds amazing. I know NBC has to wish one of their shows had those numbers. Also, I like the JJ theme song. I let it play even when I was binging… now Orange is the New Black… The Animal. The Animal. Trapped. Trapped. Trapped. OMG make it STOPPPPPPPP

I need someone to explain Mad Max: Fury Road to me. I mean I'm glad that a big action movie is actually getting some… action (huh, huh, see what I did there?) from the Academy, but I watched it recently for the first time on HBO and it was just like a regular, standard action movie.

He definitely listens to Kendrick. I was listening to a Valerie Jarrett interview (she's a Kendrick fan too) the other day and she said Kendrick was invited to the White House recently. At one point, they're in the Oval Office, and Obama turns to Kendrick and says something like, "can you believe both of us are

Mary has become more insufferable than ever. When will get the Edith tells Mary to go to hell scene? I can't wait for her "talk" with Mrs. Hughes. I hope it boils down to Mrs. Hughes telling Mary to go f**k herself.

I kept thinking that their house would be exactly how the Nampara house on Poldark would look a couple of centuries later.

You're just NOW getting annoyed with Daisy? I can't remember a time she wasn't annoying. I was just texting a friend last night that Daisy has been playing a 12-year-old girl since 1912.

I'll never forget the craze that existed for the second season of Dawson's Creek right before it premiered. The WB store (remember those) right outside Detroit was giving away a few hundred autographed season 2 Dawson's creek posters to fans and I begged my mom to stop by there after work to pick up one for me because

It's not like they have another show to replace it with… Is anyone watching Into the Badlands?

Cause God knows Chris Hardwick doesn't already have enough to do.

I would agree. There are people not watching Force Awakens BECAUSE its Star Wars and they're put off by something "too nerdy" or feel they just won't understand the backstory.

I'm not certain if The Force Awakens will or won't surpass Avatar globally, it certainly has domestically at this point. I want to agree and kinda disagree with you at the same time, in that the lack of a fan base actually helped Avatar, because it was brand new. I remember going to see Avatar twice, once with a group

So I remember going to see the film with my family on Christmas Day and with friends the week of that Christmas. I would add that over time people started to see the weak storyline for what it was… a rehash of other movies. But what originally appealed to Avatar watchers was how visually stunning the movie was. That's

Season 1: Damn, Rollo betrayed his own brother.
Season 2: Damn, Rollo betrayed everybody!
Season 3: Hmmm, looks like Rollo is going to betray everybody again.
Season 4: Oh, so Rollo betrayed everybody… again. Oh, okay cool.

I agree. A million times agree about the last two books. Honestly, I hate book Brienne so much and her chapters of endless wandering in AFFC that I zone out whenever TV Brienne appears.