
What? A creepy, religious middle-aged guy with unusual relationships with teenagers?

For some reason, I thought that Pastor Tim was also a spy and when Paige called him she was going to say something like, "you were wrong, they did tell me the truth." Since the Center had been harping on recruiting her.

Can you post the link?

God, I used to love this show. I was really young when it was on and even though I didn't attend an HBCU, it's part of the reason why I pledged a historically black Greek sorority. To this day, I love to watch reruns and see how many black Greek shirts I can spot on the extras.

Vee is clearly postpartum depressed, but just like Ian and his bipolar stuff, it's hard for non wealthy or middle class people to recognize the symptoms and get it treated.

Yes, Andy Dwyer is sooooo…..

Well now we'll learn the truth, I suppose. If the sequel reads like fanfiction, ala 50 Shades, then Capote should have that Pulitzer.

Woooowwwww I remember coming home from Catholic school and turning on the TV to watch Arthur. I'll be 30 in a couple of years, so I'm amazed this still comes on. Does the Magic School Bus still come on too?

He is so gorgeous… I need to see him in more.

Really? Nothing on the future Game of Thrones episode where Khaleesi marries Jack Sparrow!?!?? Binge watch the future indeed!

This is very late… But I am extremely late to this show. So first, I'd like to say that I pity all of you that watched this show in real-time.

Ah, I did watch it late… on Netflix, I mean.

But what about The Americans?? I told a friend about it recently and the first question she asked was if she could catch up on Netflix or Hulu…

You know what's interesting? Considering all of these Christmas standards came out over a 20 year period from 1940-1960, since 1990 I can't think of a single modern/contemporary Christmas standard that I would hold up with the same regard except for Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas"

I'd like to add two Netflix shows to this list as well: Peaky Blinders and The Fall. Both are BBC dramas that have become Netflix originals and both are ridiculously good. The Fall showcases that the guy that is going to be Christian Grey next spring deserves a much better film to display his acting talent. Peaky

I was raised on TCM as a kid. Every time we watched this movie and this scene came up, I would cry my eyes out.

Actually ABC won't let you stream unless you have a cable account or Hulu Plus. Not sure about NBC, but I don't watch that network. I imagine a lot of people binge the season. I thought about doing this recently with OUAT and Revenge. The dramatic, leave me on a cliffhanger thing is getting old. I'm at at the point

OUAT is a guilty pleasure. It's on early enough that it doesn't interfere with my 9p or 10p "quality" shows. I can turn it on, prepare dinner and be more entertained (which isn't saying much) than anything else on at 8 p.m. on a Sunday. The story lines are ridiculous but they hold my attention.

Yet somehow The Bachelor/The Bachelorette have survived for years. Can someone explain that phenomenon?

What idiot goes on Twitter or Facebook immediately after or during a show like this if they haven't seen the episode? Are you THAT addicted? Especially if you know you're in a different time zone from the first broadcast!! There's nothing worse than people who complain about spoiling while on social media.