
Also, I guess at some point Katherine McPhee is going to take over the Marilyn role from Ivy, but the more they show Ivy singing the songs an doing the dances, the less I can see McPhee in her place. Just seems like she would be worse. Think they need to show more of her singing or at least rehearsing the Marilyn

I'm pretty sure he'd screw over those stepchildren too… let me present Exhibit A… Jimmy Darmody. Surrogate son and stepchildren are pretty much the same thing.

I did not see the Violet is dead thing coming at all. But once it happened, my  mouth dropped and I realized that I should've seen it coming. She's probably the only character I actually care about and I expect things will get interesting once she starts to interact more with the other ghosts, mainly Ben's girlfriend

This is the type of debate and inter-familial workings that typically occurred in the black community during the turn of the century. You had parents who maybe were only a generation or two removed from slavery and their children who were starting to go to college. It's the classic W.E.B. DuBois vs. Booker T.

Meyer and Lucky have got to know that Jimmy was the one who offed the two nephews. I wonder what this will do to their relations, although there isn't any love lost between Lucky and Masseria.

The whole time I was staring at that thing thinking… man that's a good prosthetic.

Ha! I was thinking the same thing. LIke, why is ghost Rene still faking that Cajun accent? The gig is up, no point in hiding your true colors behind the grave.

Bill and Portia Bellefleur
Possible spoiler, although I don't know how it is one since I've never read the books.

Speaking of Matt, it was good to at least hear him address the real world problems he has to deal with that can get pretty much ignored on this show. I can only suspend disbelief for so long that these high school students have managed to never go to class, have active parents or have their actions noticed by other

Possible SPOILERS below:

Some of us never knew this show was a comic or don't read comics. Also, there's a good chance that the show might not follow the comics exactly, so adding in little tidbits when something familiar pops up for the comment section isn't fair to the rest of us who don't want two story lines with the same characters going