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Mark Hamill Shares His Feelings on the First Star Wars Movie Without Carrie Fisher”...

*Something Edgy* the name of a prostitute in a work by Frank Miller.

Frank Miller is a fucko.

You know. It’ll be the usual. Ho-is Lane. Lena Luthwhore. Whorey Lemaris. Cathouse Grant. Gigolo Olsen. Maybe a cameo by Slattern Girl, Hooking Violet, and Infectious Lass.

Oh, well, let’s just take it out of the way, shall we?

*Something edgy* a work by Frank Miller.

somewhere the headline must be “The Weinstein company is losing the rights to sin city...”

Considering Frank Miller is an old racist fuck, this is disappointing.

I guess he’ll be better off making new whore characters and not turning existing characters into whores. I’m frightened of what his Superman book is going to be like. 

I'm telling you, when this movie comes out about 60% of the Bros in my gym are going to be wearing Aquaman shirts. That says all that needs to be said about this movie. 

I can’t to be the only one who totally want Jason Momoa skiing upon two dolphins, right?

Kids don’t belong in orphanages unless there is literally no other option. Period. These shelters are orphanages for children who are mostly NOT orphans, and they are essentially hidden from the public view.

99% of the employees can be lovely, well trained staff who care about the kids, but all it takes is that 1

Taller than a rat turd, shorter than a dinosaur turd.

I’m 6'3" and medium-fat since I insist on eating like I still have a 23-y.o.-metabolism. I’m 235 and just look kind-of-dad-shaped. That tub of goo fuck is 6'1" and 275 if I’m TRYING to be nice, and I don’t see why I’d do that.

why argue? We’ll all find out when the mug shots get published.

Not to get all “snow-flakey” but that tie offends me.

He is no more 6'3" than he is 239 lbs.

Whatever the actual answer, his proportions would be massively improved if he were a bit shorter... say, a bit over a foot or so?

I’m 5'6". Personally, I think Trump is 3 to 5 inches tall, like a doll. Just my take on the situation.

Just as every internet comment about why feminism isn’t needed proves that feminism IS needed, every internet comment about how awful Star Wars fans are will result in Star Wars fans proving that yes, they are awful.