“Republicans: We believe in _________.*”
“Republicans: We believe in _________.*”
I sure didn’t vote for him, actually a majority didn’t - added to which his approval ratings are in the shitter, so clearly many who did vote for them woke up https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
You are dumb bud.
California was the first state to really limit emissions and require fuel efficiency, so when the Clean Air Act, and act of Congress passed by Nixon, CA was granted an exemption from the general rule that states can’t pass different standards. In part, this was due to politics, but it was also due to the fact that CA,…
California’s regulations apply only to cars sold in California and other states that voluntarily opt in.
Up next: leaded gasoline.
Republicans - “We believe in states rights.*”
To be fair he is pissing off the rest of the world, so it’s about time he irritates Americans too, since you guys voted for him.
CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.
Apparently smog was what made america great. Who could have known?
“This town is lucky to have black people in it”.
It’s kind of like being racist when high on ambien.
FYI. Spencer lost his primary in May so even if he doesn’t resign, he’ll be out of office in January regardless.
WAIT....WHAT.......This Spencer guy thinks this is REAL? Like he isn’t in on it? Like he is actally taking serious that approaching ISIS with your bare bum is an effective tactic?! WHATTTT??!!?!?!??!?! I actually didn’t know people could be so stupid.
How is this is even a trick? He was told to identify himself for the camera, shout racist shit on camera, all while being told this was for a tv show -- and then he did all those things. Like, it’s not a trick just because you’re too stupid to understand what you’re doing.
While Spencer claims he was merely tricked into saying “provocative language,” it probably wasn’t too hard for him to go full N-word considering the fact that the man is a racist.
I think the simple idea that YOU get to decide which relationships you want in your life is pretty radical. The idea that you have authority over who gets space in your life is pretty damn important. I remember when I recognized that people who don’t respect me are not owed space or attention from me, it was pretty…
Can we give Cohen some sort of a permanent government post or something? This shit is valuable.
Breaking up, these days at least, is the ultimate feminist act. It’s saying that I have my own money, job, apartment/house, independence, whatever that I don’t need this man who isn’t meeting my needs in this relationship. This sentiment is true now more than ever because for the longest time a man with a good job was…
There is a bit of pick a lane here. Either a Transwoman is the same as a real woman (so why would it matter who played who on film) or they are not (which goes against a lot of the other claims across the board)