Oh god. I’m a masochist so I did.
Oh god. I’m a masochist so I did.
What’s now known as “swatting” is when someone makes a false report of an emergency at a residence in the hopes that a SWAT team will show up, guns blazing, and scare the shit out of the inhabitants.
Hah! I LOVE that he just happened to be out receiving a human-rights award for his activism, at the time some asshole gun-sucker illegally called the swats on him to get back at him for his activism... It’s just the perfect punchline to this fucked-up tale.
There has been a bill bouncing around congress to make it a federal crime, but we all know how effective congress is these days.
Man, these snowflakes seem to be reeeeaaaally intimidated by these kids.
God, our culture is so fucked up.
But I’m going to go ahead and guess that he doesn’t ask straight couples what faith they are and whether they’re getting married in a church. Only the gays. And therein lies the discrimination.
As a dude, I HATE the use of “females” in this context. And the image I see in my mind every time is one I saw right here on Jezebel some years ago. It features the main ferengi character from Star Trek.
I really just want to know if he asks straight couples if they’re having a religious ceremony. Because that seems to be his line in the sand, right? If weddings are inherently religious, then it’s not just gay weddings he’s got a problem with, he should also have a problem with secular weddings. But I’m going to go…
SHOW YOUR SOUL AND ALL IS ALLOWED. I’m 5'4 and 43. My soul likes to eat cheese puffs, binge watch Outlander and doesn’t really like people so I’m really thinking this will go well for me.
So does this mean us fatties can apply to be part of the competition now? What about women who are *gasp* shorter than 5’7? Or older than 25???
I mean, good for them that they’re not judging people on their looks anymore but why continue the pageants at all then? Pageants don’t seem like a great format for evaluating someone’s character/soul.
“I wish those gays would stop pushing their agenda! (by, you know, existing in public)“
“A wedding cake is inherently religious”
Look, when you can easily get a legit license to marry people from online website, it’s obviously a matter of great spiritual significance.
“I have nothing against gay people, it’s just I think they’re disgusting heathens who should stop tipping and dipping and go back in the closet.” At least he didn’t add that some of his best friends are gay.
“This cake is a specific cake. A wedding cake is inherently religious,” s
“History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes,”
Depends on what you’re operating (a reading lamp or a refrigerator?) and how far you’re going with it. The longer the line and the higher the amperage, the more resistance you’re going to get, which produces more heat and cause a fire.
I’m wondering if this contractor was permitted; I’m guessing not, since daisy-chaining extension cords is Day One shit. If he’s been doing business with this guy for years, I wonder how the rest of his complex fares?