24 hr of lemons candidate
24 hr of lemons candidate
There are more choices than offered in the scenario above, they could lay on the horn, side swipe the jersey barriers on the right (as from perspective of the direction they are driving) that would potentially slow the car and allow people in the cross walk to speed up, and potentially only take out the last guy in…
Very “cool” looks like huge money if you’re in a fender bender.
This is one of the trainees that was part of the secret govt. program to release a herd of ferocious deer on ISIS, a follow on program to the british badger program http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6295138.stm
Me too!
so if you just get up to stretch you automatically lose your spot in line
“Fully Restored” use hand air quotes...
cool color scheme
you see this is your misunderstanding, I am not comparing technologies I am comparing the car regardless of how it is motivated. this is an A to B type car that is being subsidized, my point is it is not subsidized enough to be cost competitive to other A to B type cars thus its chances of becoming mainstream are…
What I am saying is that the car is essentially similar to other cars selling in the low 20's when you jump up in cost to $37k then you run into much tougher class of competitors, and you have just eliminated a large group of potential buyers, i.e hey you can have a $20k car for double the price! Given the…
exactly why we should not have tax payers subsidizing these anymore .......
I suggest a good shrink because 1 car for the next 40-50 years what the hell is he thinking?!!!
I’ll take one in F22 radar absorbing mil spec paint scheme
“you’re gonna need a bigger tree”
If they only carry 500 or so rounds at 6000 rnds/min you only have about 5 seconds of fire time. How effective is that?
That red tractor looks very terminator-ish scary as hell
the B-2 ....man there is just something so powerful about the image it portrays.
So this is the new internment program for Jalopnik Staff?