Semi-Operational Tom Bombadil

It's still called a Lance. Helloooo.

Little known fact:
Snow was actually singing about licking a lady's poom-poom down. Because licking a boom boom down is just gross.

We appreciate your frankness.

Um, Intel (and some other tech biggies) apparently had a major role!
It's a medium of exchange for major rare earth operations there.

Escape Plan has become curiously apropros.

Objectively speaking, that is the greatest sentence ever written.

It depends.

I don't think so. Ready the bathysphere, we're going in.

According to the WaPo article, progressives are behind the curve on this particular approach to media (relative to the Alt-Right's full-on embrace of it).
Kind of like how we didn't form a coherent narrative in the election, whereas Bannon, evil genius that he is, put together a very easy to read narrative that Trump

Best Job Ever, Internet!
Thanks O'Neal!

Next stops will be bulk shipments to the developing world. Feature starving kids looking sharp with fashions by Trump. Sad!

Lordamercy, that was a pun of the finest qrade.

Not to mention keeping up the Spectacle while Gazprom and Exxon get it on.

Indeed. He doesn't need to be. He's a Princeling.

That's actually even better!

That is either a P.J. O'Rourke or Charles Bukowski quote. Which is it sir?

Damn dyslexia. I came her for the lattes. Das!

Well we presume so because of, you know, His mother.

Was he too bold too?

Actually, that's a good idea. Hey, what's that behind you, August?