a seahorse

you’re right! secret bangs never hit and then it was just downhill form there ...

wtf is this 2016 bullshit.

Reader, that cat is me

hide your kids, donald’s in town

Great news!

#nevertweet #nevertrump

err, it's Pokemon. Grow a unibrow and get over it dude.

that’s next level big hair

No that's digimon!!!!

She tried to poison him with her cooking but eventually just resigned herself to her fate

She thinks she’s talking into a walkie talkie, bless her

it feels... okay. maybe time will heal all wounds after all.

those cast adrift must grab the nearest log, my friend (?)

this feels weird

thanks boo

Goddamnit Ashley, I have been refreshing this ‘site’ almost constantly looking for you.

it’s sooooo great. also where do i see a picture of billy bush’s thighs?

I'd hit it, if it didn't slip out of my clammy grip first

hello i’m new to sprots, pls send help

Bobby does not make mistakes