The painfully slow, choppy render of the unicycle is icing on the cake.
The painfully slow, choppy render of the unicycle is icing on the cake.
This is not okay.
1. Put camera in microwave.
It’s the most enjoyable game you never want to play but love to read about.
Love Actually
weird how I prefer reading about Eve Online than actually playing Eve Online
You know he was an absentee father because he though “wake them up” was a thing that works on 18 year old boys.
Forgive them for not getting it.
They were calling for impeachment of Hillary before she’d even locked down the nomination. At least they’re consistent!
Exactly. I didn’t have a lot of respect for Republicans to start with, but they’ve lost the little I did have for them. They went on and on about executive overreach with Obama’s executive orders and cried about how much tax payer money he spent on golfing. But I hear NOTHING from them about Trump’s orders or…
I like how Gov Lepetomane Pres Trump quotes the “failing” Washington Post when it suits his needs.
This really is the Greatest Administration of All Time.* And you can quote me on that ;)
This Administration is so fucking ignorant in every way. If Obama or Hillary were conducting themselves in such an uninformed and deceitful manner every Republican in America would be calling for impeachment.
A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.
I suppose I could hang my coat to the fingers and put my hat on the head.
If I was a billionaire, I would buy the exoskeleton and donate it to someone who needs it. It’s worth the money.
I have the same problem with breasts.
New motto: Animals aren’t toys, but if the price is right, they can be props.
I think it’s good they are sticking to one thing, one claim, and seeing it through. Because part of 45's strategy is that he just says and does a whole lot of ridiculous things at once to throw the media off. They cant fact check him fast enough so he doesn’t get fact checked and his claims go unchallenged. But now…
I expect this before we’ll see him resign: