
So when the left calls someone a nazi, does that mean... ?

People called the fireside chats campaigning too.

Okay so you paid taxes for the data, and thus you feel entitled to it. I paid taxes and some of it was distributed to other people to help them pay rent, buy food etc. Am I then entitled to raid their pantries and sleep on their couches?

Surely there are questions other than the question of comfortableness that are more highly correlated with a propensity to do harm...

Not everywhere. Also I don’t support anti discrimination laws of any sort.

Also you failed to miss the core of my post.

“We should stop feeling so entitled to other’s respect, acceptance, and comfort, and instead forge our own communities like we used to.”

Then don’t you wish discrimination was legal so that you wouldn’t waste your time at a job like that?

We should stop feeling so entitled to other’s respect, acceptance, and comfort, and instead forge our own communities like we used to.

Why can you assume that? There are plenty of people who make me uncomfortable, and I am unwilling to harm most if not all of them.

That, and why do we demand that people are ‘comfortable’ or ‘accepting’ of us?

It should just be enough that they don’t harm us in any way, including discrimination, verbal harassment, physical assault etc.

If someone is uncomfortable around you, but is an adult about it, and doesn’t let it harm you in any way, why do

Reference to slang from the prohibition era. It is just slang for “this is a good drink” which often means the same as “this is a strong drink”

But hey why have context?