Try your insurance! My progressive roadside assistance is $4.99 a month, and comes with unlimited towing, among the normal stuff. Anytime my car needs work, I have them tow the sucker to the dealership, fix it, and then tow it back.
Try your insurance! My progressive roadside assistance is $4.99 a month, and comes with unlimited towing, among the normal stuff. Anytime my car needs work, I have them tow the sucker to the dealership, fix it, and then tow it back.
My dad:
“Don’t EVER use your brakes on the highway when your going over 50mph unless it’s an emergency, instead take your foot off the gas and engage the brake when you’ve slowed down a bit, or you will cause your wheels to skid and you will wreck.”
Whoa, slow down buddy. Did you say they own an international bridge? How did that happen? Can you just decide to build a bridge if your rich?
I think I did a poor job explaining myself. I don’t care that you, or other commenters, feel i’m wrong. What I find sad is the poor use of hostility when you disagree with someone. Don’t tell me to “get bent”, instead tell me “I feel you are wrong, and here is why”. Take it as an opportunity to express yourself, and…
That was an overly hostile response. You could have simply explained your views, instead of attacking me. I’m copying it to the Gizmodo Media Groups complaint email.
For heavens sake, PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT THE WWE LIKE IT IS A REAL SPORT. I don’t fault anyone who watches it, many of my good friends do, but please don’t give it in-depth pieces on a sports website.
Fuck street racing. I don’t think people really understand how dangerous it can be.
John Dorsey took a shit KC team and gave us 5 straight years of 10 win seasons, 1st post season win in 20yrs, and 3 AFC West Titles. He deserves a little slack more than any other new GM, at least a season.
I disagree with all the comments. If you have an ancient QB who sells jerseys, an all-star RB is helpful in prolonging his career. Look at Rothlisberger in Pitt, or AZ in 2016..
I believe it. Sharia is complicated. BBC freaked out last year when they executed a prince for murdering a normal person. They had some good articles talking abt the balance. It’s all a matter of who sees what, like enjoy the mountain of cocain in your basement, but if someone normal sees you we will feed you to the…
Dana White says Brock is 100% coming to the UFC, so who knows what they will do with him b4 he goes. I could def see them milking every bit they can out of him and having him lose before he retires from wrestling.
Restrictions on women is disgusting, truly horrible. But, it is a bit misleading to imply that these sorts of restrictions come purely from the Saudi Royal Government and that the population doesn’t embrace them. It’s more systemic, and awful than that.
Clone Wars was sooo good. My first experience with it was “Landing at Point Rain” and then the kidnapping of force children arch. Truly awesome stuff.
I wish someone would do a “dark side of t0basco” piece. I had a friend from the dorms in college who was some cousin of the fam, and trust me, crazy shit happens when your family owns an island and institution like tobasco. It turns into a society. Workers pass jobs onto their kids, homes by the island get inherited,…
I’m so sick of hearing this same story, over and over again. “People waste hundreds of hours making something that they know uses copyrighted and trademarked assets, are shocked when told to stop.”.
WTF. They need to release the Arrowverse shows together so fans can watch the crossovers. Where’s Supergirl and Black Lightning?
He really should have been executed, especially when you consider he got so many Resistence fighters killed. There were so many missed opportunities in this movie, but, I wish they had given us a clearer picture on the “calling our friends for help” thing. Repeatedly they mention it, they try, but no one shows up?
Yeah, that’s pretty indefensible. Any real resistance or rebellion would execute him for the 1st incident with the bombers anyways.
I hate to say this, but when you look at all costs (RD, admin, logistics, running cost, procurement etc..), and that it is only doing 200 phones an hr as a 2nd gen prototype.. Maybe the solution is a giant factory in Asia, with humans working a reverse assembly line. It’s how they are made, and if given competitive…