Hmm. For a game that I didn’t ask for from a relative, I guess it was a used copy of Mortal Kombat for Gameboy that I bought from a friend for like $5. Terrible version of that game, but I loved it then.
Hmm. For a game that I didn’t ask for from a relative, I guess it was a used copy of Mortal Kombat for Gameboy that I bought from a friend for like $5. Terrible version of that game, but I loved it then.
I think the real question is do you have a good 4K TV with HDR and such
They could parody Telltale Games by riffing on their “Choices Made” screen in between episodes.
It would be great if they kept a statistic on how many people made it min, max, or an oddly specific in between.
The crotch slider reminded me that Saints Row 3 had that option. That game was brilliant in so many ways
Right, I’m sure you know a lot about the fiscal and manpower budget of such a giant game that was always predicated on subscription revenue.
I wish games weren’t as complicated to make so I could see Kojima make more games that are basically regurgitating American movies through his lense.
When a woman mentions she plays games, don’t fucking give her a litmus test or act surprised if she is capable. Don’t boss her around a controller. If she plays some, don’t try to force her to like a genre/game you enjoy
Shout out to the guy with a Sonics Durant jersey
I wonder how much better Dream Team would have been with Paper Jams fast forward button
What is the top level game like? While XCOM has a terrific turn based combat system, the meta game and macro descisions are what really pulls me in.
Nintendo really crushed it this year. Let’s hope they move more units and get some more 3rd party and indie support!
This is what convinces my wife we need a Switch. (She 100% Wolly World. Twice)
Great at the time. The only areas where the design still really holds up is how they nailed first person platforming
So with backward compatibility coming, can I get some sembelance of OG Xbox Live back? I just want to dominate Mechassault again
You can easily build a PC that can easily outperform consoles for $500 if you are a good shopper.
No im saying they launched for $200 then which is about $500 now. I know what inflation is.
If you look at inflation, consoles have generally been around 500-600 most of the time. The price of games has dropped like a rock though.
People gotta stop acting like 30 FPS and slow downs are a new thing. Hell some major SNES games would occasionally dip into the teens. There was never a rosy period where 60FPS was the expectation for anyone other than high end PC gamers