
Can confirm 6'3" is a pretty perfect height. Tall enough that some short women would throw themselves at me (although I didn’t care much for girls under 5'7" or so because I didn’t like bending over/being pulled down to make out) but not so tall that finding clothes and fitting into places or airplanes was hard. My

Minor correction, Mario Kart 8 was released in 2014. You meant 9

I assume because you’re fighting for a cash prize and the opponent should have been disqualified, thus forfeiting and giving you the prize.

Just delete older stuff? You have the disc. For most games that’s the bulk of content and installs usually don’t take that long. I’d understand this more if you had digital copies and a data cap to worry about

For $70 I love it and will add it to the pile of other cheap fun analogue synths I own. The last few years has been a wonderful time for cheap synths and updated classics

Oh yeah, the group who’s primary means of intimidation is doxing will totally be against this

I feel like someone on the Duke bench has to be fired for that


Great, I nearly bought DotT last week

Do you want death threats, Jason? Because this is how you get death threats...

All you would have to do is transfer your assets to a Swiss bank

Why are people so afraid of running outside with these in their ears? If they fall out you would immediately notice the lack of sound in an ear, turn around, and then find it in a few seconds. It’s not like you’d run a mile and be like, oh shit!

Green is also a dummy who doesn’t realized they raised the minimums by 50%

My nephew loved this movie when he was little. When he was four, he snuck up behind his dad and smacked him in the head with a shovel. It knocked him out cold. Neither have any recollection of this

Can you hook up and play with keyboard and mouse on console?

It really depends of your opinion of touch controllers and mobility. You can easily find a preowned copy of the game for the same amount as this.

It’s simple: Vaping is bad for you and Cigarettes are worse for you.

Would animal crossing have the NES games? That’s all I want to know

I remember enjoying this game at the time. But then again, I didn’t pay attention to any of the pregame hype, and had only placed AC1 and like four hours of AC2-2. It did lose a lot of steam eventually for me and I never finished it, but I still got a solid thirtyish hours out of it. Looked great on my new PC at the

There’s also a bunch of mumbo jumbo about symbols being used by the restaurant and surrounding area that are supposedly also used by child pornographers.