

I never asked for this

This was such an emotional roller coaster lol

and the award for best troll goes to this guy, wp

I’m gonna need a source on that

Broski I need you to calm down. I thought we made up and we’re friends now? I was not to be taken serious. Had the munchies!

Literally everything I posted was garbage. Except I do like Halo 5.
For realsies. Not the Single Player, not the Warzones, but the normal MP is actually a lot of fun.

On PS4 I have had a ton of

I know you do babe

You never asked for one until this comment.


I’m actually really looking forward to it!

I like the part where he admits to trolling.

My god, you are awful

k but for real i really like this game i gotta go broski
just had a few minutes to spend while making some food. Shot ye olde hook’n’line and someone took the bait. Have a good day, and please continue to purchase sony products.

No, and nothing I said prior was witty. You have to up your standards, man! 

Currently playing Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, a delightful indie game from April’s PS+ Lineup, so I’ll have to let you go now - thank you for the wonderful conversation and thought provoking opinions on children’s videogames. Have a good

Holy christ it took you this long. Congrats.

So, none? Thanks. Glad you have realized the superior vidyagame box is XboxOne.

If the PS4 only has Souls games it’s no wonder you sony fanboys are all fuckin morons. Tastes are opinions. I can like whatever I want, and I have a PS4 + XB1 I just regret past decisions in buying the anime station.

I own a PS4 / XB1 / WiiU / PC. You guys blindly hating on my opinion is only proving that Sony fanboys are shit tier gamers who can’t take criticism.
The Last Guardian sucked.