A. Salieri

YES! Where they eat the dog! I mentioned that episode above as well!

Hard to top blowing Colonel Cricket's head off.

Don't know the name of the episode, but the one where they ended up eating the carcass of a dead dog in front of the sister/owners…that was a moment.

You got it!

As stated above, the answer is "Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare". Watching the siblings get addicted to crack while Charlie and Mac live like kings on Franks money - just too fkn funny. The best.

I'll be very disappointed if they leave Sunny off the list, but I will say that "Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare" is probably the single greatest episode of that show.

Heartbeat its a Lovebeat by the DiFranco Family!

I really like this show but no one ever notes that Carrie has no acting range whatsoever. Her characterizations are just costume changes. Fred is a pretty great actor.

Would you ask Liam Neesums that question?