Very sassy and annoying writing. Keep it up.
Very sassy and annoying writing. Keep it up.
GIri, you cant try to act like you’re above some shit and also write about it. That’s pussy whipped bitch shit. Cmon Dogg, do better.
You really struggle to create content. Good attempt though.
Pussy whipped bitch, Samer Kalaf
Barcelona must be run by a bunch of closet homos
Don't be a bitch Chris. Dang homo.
You're calling someone a fake deep intellectual? Lol funny stuff ya puss
Fuxk ass post here chris.
Post/write something good. Not this pussy whipped bitch stuff.
Samer being a control freak pussy again
Annoying read
Your bitch ass doesn’t have any fans. That’s the bottom line on that. Build something one time.
Super toxic writing ya pussy
He needed to get beaned. Bottom line. Off the table for discussion.
Bit really...Logan paul would shit on you and these sexually inferior haters. You and them dont have the natural athletic gifts to get any job done. Off the table for discussion.
You’re a fake smart guy Rafi. Off the table for discussion bud.
Jerami Grant is pretty decent you homo
Grow a pair
you don’t get a say in it. off the table for discussion.
Barry doesnt make calls or decisions. He’s not that kind of guy. Off the table for discussion.