
This was not a good read

You shave shitty sight you puss

figgin goofballs


You’re wild today bub! You good?

You done good bub

be more captivating or whatever the hell you’re complaining about

you’re an exhausting MF

Eric the Midget

only you get to “funny”

See, this is why you’re a little bitch. Write this same type of shit about a woman if you’re really about it. Do it now.

Drew being a little bitch again

You’re a control freak

This is some bitch ass writing. Quit being a puss

this was a shit read

Kinda lame to just wait for Stephen Jackson to say it first and then write an article about it. You should have been out with this sooner.

Tucker would back you into a corner with ease.

You make some good points in the most annoying way possible.

Drew vs. Lil Bitch (any).

He’s happening. You suck. Hahaha. Quit being threatened by everything you bitch.